chapter 109

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"This is her house. The lights are on so she better be home." Kate said and got out of the car.

Deena sat in the driver's while they got out. She was so desperate for this to work that she prayed Riley would tell the truth and tell Sam.

Simon and Kate waited by the front door for Deena and they both hugged her the second she met them at the door.

Deena stood behind Simon so Riley couldn't really see her or else she might slam the door on them.

"Well hi, little guy. Could you please go get your sister Riley? Tell her that her best friends are here." Kate said once a kid opened the door then ran as soon as Kate stopped talking.

"Come on," Kate waved for them to step into the house and Deena tried to hide behind Simon again.

Kate pulled out the handheld stereo that Deena used to make mixtapes.

"What the fuck? Why do you have that?" Deena asked as soon as she saw what Kate pulled out.

"To record her. It's going to record over one of your love mixtapes for Sam but you'll be fine." Kate pushed record and stuck it in Simons sweatshirt pocket.

Deena was surprised that Kate had that planned and didn't tell them, but it was such a good idea she didn't care about them recording over her mixtape for Sam.

"Kate? Simon? Why are you here in my house?" Riley looked between them and completely shocked they were at her house.

"Well hello my BFF Riley, I just wanted to spend some time with you." Kate put a huge fake smile on her face as she spoke to Riley.

"Okay..but you've never talked to me before. Even when we had classes together."

"Late is better than never!" Simon mirrored the fake smile on Kate's face.

" you want to come to my room then?"

"That sounds perfect. You lead the way." Kate said and waited until Riley turned around to head to her room then she turned to Deena.

"Stay right here for a minute then come in." Kate whispered and Deena nodded.

"So what's up?" Riley asked as she sat on her bed and faced them.

Simon sat on the chair that was nearest to Riley so he could record it.

And Kate stood between Riley and the door to make sure she doesn't run out.

"I can't stand being fake with you anymore Riley, you fucked with Deena and Sam. And you don't get away with that shit. Why did you lie about having a relationship with Deena while she's been dating Sam?" Kate put her hands on her hips and stood directly in front of Riley.

"I-I.. don't know.. what you're taking a-about." Riley said as she stared at the ground.

"Yes you do. Taylor went to Sam and convinced her that you've been hooking up with Deena. And then you were weird with Deena in a dark locker room and kissed her cheek. As Taylor watched. What the fuck did you do? You better tell us the truth right now or else I'll tell the principal what you're brothers been selling in the bathroom during lunch."

"H-He's not doing anything.. I-.I did.." Riley stopped talking once Deena entered the room.

Riley's face turned pale and looked like she was going to be sick as soon as she saw Deena.

"What Riley? What did you do?" Deena said, her voice getting louder as she spoke. Just the sight of Riley consumed Deena with rage.

"Deena, I'm sorry but I needed the money. Taylor paid me $400 to lie about us having a relationship and hug and kiss your cheek like that in front of Taylor. I'm sorry about you and Sam. I needed the money to help my mom with rent, my dad just left her." Riley put her hands over her face after she spoke.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Deena shook her head at Riley and turned and walked out the door, Kate and Simon following.

Deena was furious and slammed her door once she got in the car. "Of course Taylor did this. She's been trying to get between Sam and me since before prom and she finally found a way. Fuck."

Deena leaned her forehead against the steering wheel.

"It's not over yet Deena. We got what we needed and now the last step in see Sam. Head to the hospital." Kate said as she took the stereo from Simon.

"What? We can't even get into ICU, or see Sam. She's isolated so she doesn't get anyone else sick. Only the staff can go in."

"Just trust me, Deena. I have my ways. Now drive."

my kitten woke me up from a nap to write this chapter let's thank him 💜

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