chapter 99

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Sam closed her eyes as she went through the MRI machine.

She thought this part of her life was over. She was so tired of going through these machines to get scans that would dictate how she was going to live.

As she drowned out the doctors and nurses talking around her, all she thought about was her apartment in New York with Deena.

She was so close.

She imagined waking up earlier than Deena to bake her favorite breakfast.

How Deena always wrapped her arms around Sam from behind as she baked.

How she was going to fall asleep every night tangled up in Deena. And being able to kiss Deena good morning and good night.

And how she could kiss and touch Deena without any interruptions.

She realized that she had to tell her dad that the apartment needed a bath tub. She wasn't going to tell him exactly why it needed one besides that Sam still loved bubble baths.

She started coughing in the MRI machine, which caused the doctor to tell her to stop moving while the scan was in progress. The coughing hurt her chest and made Sam worried that she was getting sick.

She needed to tell her dad as soon as she saw him next.

She tried not to think about the conversation at her dads house. She didn't want to think about how her mom said she needed help.

She was so angry with her dad for telling her mom that she is in therapy. She knew that it only made her mom more confident in thinking there was something wrong with Sam.

In college, Sam imagined waking up in bed with Deena, trying to convince her to skip class so they could stay in bed longer.

She was excited to move forward with her life, mostly because it was with Deena. But she was also excited to go to college to study and figure out what she wanted to be and do with her life besides being Deena's wife which was the most important part.

She always liked school, because she could get away from her house and her mom. Also because that's when she spent so much time with Deena, Kate and Simon, but mostly Deena.

Deena tried to calm herself before Sam's dad got there. She was pissed off at him for everything that happened that led to Sam being in the hospital again.

She knew if she didn't calm down then she would say something to him to make him not want Deena around anymore and jeopardize her future in New York with Sam.

Once Sam returned to the room, she held Deena's hand as the nurse out in IV in her to help with how weak and dizzy Sam was.

"Deena, we have to make sure the apartment has a bath tub. I forgot to tell my dad." Sam said as soon as the nurse left.

Deena sat on the edge of the bed and held Sam's hand with both of hers.

"Okay, we will tell him."

Sam leaned forward to put her hand on the back of Deena's neck to bring her closer and kissed her.

"I want to make you breakfast every morning. Your cinnamon rolls whenever you want also. And I'll be a patient teacher and get you to bake even." Sam spoke then kissed Deena again.

"I want to get strong for you. I will get strong for you. For us. I want to marry you as soon as you ask. I want to forget about my mom and hospitals and Caleb. All I want to think about is you and spend every second trying to make sure you're happy." Sam spoke, with a smile on her face. Being back in the hospital was bringing back so many emotions for Sam. The last time she was in here, she almost died.

She felt a lump in her throat as she imagined this life with Deena and told her about all she dreamed of.

"I'll hold your hand wherever we go. No one will care, there's too many people around in New York for them to care. And I'll kiss you for as long as I want. And I want to make sure you laugh everyday."

Deena smiled and looked at Sam in awe as she spoke of their future and her dream of them. She had a teary eyed smile as she listened. It sounded perfect to her.

Deena leaned down to Sam, taking her face with both of her hands. "Sam, that sounds like heaven to me. I love you so much and I'll make sure we get that, okay? I'll get you the blue house with pink living room walls like you want. I'll listen and try my best when you teach me to cook. We will have all of that. I promise." Deena kissed Sam then brought her lips to Sam's forehead and stayed there for a moment with her eyes closed.

She's been in love with Sam almost her whole life and there's nothing she's ever wanted more than to give Sam everything. She would do anything to give Sam everything.

Sam swallowed hard before Deena spoke and kissed her. She was trying so hard not to cry then. She felt loved completely by Deena in this moment and she felt how strong and immense their love was as they sat in the hospital bed together.

They both had tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces as Deena pulled back to look at Sam.

"I want a kitten. I want to name it Ziggy, I've always loved that name." Sam said. Her hand in Deena's, running her thumb over her ring.

Deena laughed and gave in. "Alright fine. We can have one."

Deena was about to lean in to kiss Sam but Sam's mom's voice behind her stopped her and made her spin around to see her. Just the sound of her voice consumed her with rage.

"Haven't you done enough? Get the fuck out. You only make it all worse." Deena didn't hold back, she couldn't anymore.

Sam was about to speak when she was stunned that Deena spoke like that to her mom. She loved it.

"Don't you dare talk to me." Sam's mom started, but Sam's dad pushed her back from going towards Deena.

"What happened?" Sam's dad asked Sam, and Deena spoke up again. She tried to calm herself down before he got there but it didn't work for long.

"She's sick and weak again. And then she comes over and upsets and hurts Sam when she doesn't need it. She only makes things worse for Sam. Don't you get that? Why didn't you protect her like you promised?"

Sam squeezed on Deena's hand, trying to pull her back before Deena got more angry.

"I tried to stop her." Sam's dad looked back at Sam's mom. "Then she started all this bullshit and lied to me about what she was going to say."

"Deena," Sam spoke. Deena was about to yell and Sam knew it so she tugged Deena's hand back to being Deena closer to her.

Deena looked down at Sam and sighed.

Sam's mom started coughing and then sneezed which made everyone in the room freeze and stare at her. Sam's mom was the one got Sam to start coughing, not Taylor like Deena thought.

"Get out," Sam's dad said to her mom.

"What? I've just had a cold. It's not a big deal. She will be fine if she gets just a cold."

"Get out!" Deena yelled and started towards Sam's mom.

i wonder if this is the longest sameena fic there is on Wattpad lmao 💜

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