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it was in the middle of winter when lee minho first ever spotted him.

the night was dead, the snow coming down hard and covering the roads until it was slick with a heavy layer of snow that even hid the dead grass beneath it.

and it was cold. so very cold.

goosebumps were covering his every inch of skin, making the six year old clutch tightly on the dark blue blanket around him as he shivered.

there was talking. his mother talking, to be more specific.

and his mother's voice is exactly what woke minho up from the deep sleep he was engulfed in.

he first sat up in his bed, rubbing at his tired and sleep-devoured eyes to see more clearly in the dark to try and listen.

the voice was distant- muffled from the walls.

it sounded soft and hushed, just like the way she would talk to minho whenever he had gotten upset.

the boy had gotten out of bed, flinching when he felt the coldness of the wooden floors beneath his foot after he took his first step towards the commotion.

he creeped his door open slowly, squinting when he saw light illuminating brighter from down the stairs, casting a shadow from the railing onto the wall outside his room.

his house was of considerable size, being two stories tall and well decorated due to his parents well-paying jobs. they had multiple rooms despite there only being three people living in the house, including a very pretty chandelier.

minho was more than positive that the talking was coming downstairs. he slowly moved forward to the light with soft steps, being quiet and trying to not fall asleep while walking in the process.

as he slowly trudged down the carpeted steps with his blanket still secretly around him and the closer he got to the bottom, the more he was certain that it was his mother talking.

"..would you like something to drink, sweetie?" was the first audible sentence the six year old could make out from his mother's mouth.

the coldness of his house nipped at his nose, making it red and making him sniffle as he tried to listen some more- using the blanket to wipe at his nose, too young to really care if it was a little gross.

after getting closer, minho figured out that his mom was talking to this person in the kitchen.

he waited at the side of the door frame, not walking in just yet. he saw the shadow of a grown up, making out the silhouette to be none other than his mother of course. but then he noticed another figure.

this was someone he did not recognize- from their shadow alone at least.

minho knew the placement of his kitchen well enough to be able to tell that whoever this was, was sitting down on his kitchen counter.

and he could tell that this shadow was not a grown up. it was much too small to be one.

"are you sure honey?" again, his mother's sweet and caring voice was speaking.

and then minho heard it clearly.


light sniffles that were clearly not from the cold of that winter night. little hiccups that came from somebody who was crying.

and minho decided he could no longer help his curious little mind much longer.

blinking tiredly and slowly, he peeked his head into the door frame to see what was going on in his kitchen.

the direct light made him squint at first, his hand going up to rub at his eyes as he slowly processed the blurry images in front of him.

he looked towards the counter where the little shadow had been casted. but right as he poked his head out, his mother had moved in front of this person, her back blocking the sight of this mystery person she was talking to.

she was slouched down a little, her hands holding onto this person's hands.

minho moved more to the side to get a better look, but his presence must've made itself known because right then his mother turned around, looking as if she sensed something.

she looked down and saw the very sleepy minho, who was also painted in a shade of confusion, as he looked back up at her.

"oh! hey sweetie, why are you out of bed..?" she softly addressed him, turning around and kneeling down to his level. she used her thumb to gently wipe away the drool from the corner of his mouth.

and then minho saw him.

a young boy, maybe a year younger than him, sat down on the kitchen counter with big brown eyes and fluffy long hair resting against his face.

there were fat tears marking their way down his face, and direct eye contact was made and held for a few moments, making minho tense a little bit.

the boy hadn't uttered a word though, and that's when the six year old realized he actually hadn't heard him speak at all yet.

minho's confusion only continued to grow, and his mother chuckled a bit at this.

"nothing's going on hun. sorry if my talking woke you up, why don't you go on off back to bed? i'll be up there to tuck you back in." she smiled that soft, tender, motherly smile before planting a soft kiss to the top of minho's head.

the six year old only nodded, still staring at the mystery boy in his kitchen. he observed him right until he finally turned around, making his way back up into his room.

the soft talking continued through the rest of the night.

that wouldn't been the last time minho would encounter this strange boy in his house.

and it certainly wouldn't be any nicer than this first encounter for the future times to come.

this one is gonna be good.
I am so excited for it.

an IMPORTANT quick little note!!
whenever you see "•••" at the start of something, that means it's a flashback! :0

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