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jisung clapped his hands upon entering the studio. the lights were on and bright. the smell of paint and clay filled their noses.

they spotted a section in the corner that was empty, and jisung went to grab the canvas they set aside under his name.

"okaay." he hummed, turning to his partner. "you ready?" he smiled at the groan he received in reply.

minho sat down on the floor with a sigh, staring at the canvas they put down on the floor in front of them. he stared at it blankly, not an ounce of excitement radiating off of him.

"i don't think i've ever seen an art student be more annoyed by looking at a canvas." jisung laughed, sitting down with his legs crossed.

minho had been avoiding this project for long enough. he knew this, but it still didn't make him wanna do it. "we don't even know what we're doing to begin with." he complained.

"so let's think." the blonde encouraged. "what are some things you like?"


"DON'T SAY THAT." jisung scolded. he sighed and leaned back to think. it was hard to come up with something to do together when their styles were so drastically different.

before he had time to come up with something, minho fixed his posture to something less lazy and sighed through his nose. "this might be a bad idea, but it's the best i can think of." he stated, also aware of their different tastes.

"this canvas is pretty big," he motioned to the primed thing in between them. "we have enough room to be as detailed and experimental as we like, no?"

jisung nodded.

"what if you take one side and i take the other. we share a line of direction but use our own colors and decisions until we eventually meet in the middle. it'll combine our preferences together into one by the time we're finished."

jisung stared in awe, mouth slightly agape in a gasp at the brilliant idea. "wait i actually love that." he said, eyes shining with all the possibilities.

this idea granted them freedom. it was extremely experimental, but that was the point of art anyway.

it was probably the best for both of them instead of trying to water down each others ideas to fit the other's preference.

jisung smiled and gave a nod. "okay! sounds good then." he felt better now that they actually had something to work off of.

"you still have to teach me how to use this oil shit." minho motioned briefly to the paints that were set off to the side, giving them a dirty look as if they wronged him. "i want to learn but i know it's gonna be a pain in the ass."

jisung snorted and rolled up his sleeves. "it's not that bad. it's actually easy in my opinion." he stood to get two small brushes.

"easy for you to say, blondie. you actually have experience." minho grumbled, and jisung shot him a look.

"i'm not a natural blonde so you can't call me that." he complained, getting the container of paint thinner and setting it down.

"says who?" minho scoffed.

"says me." jisung got the tubes of oil paint and set them down too. working on the floor might've been a dumb idea but it made it easier for them. they didn't care.

"how long have you had blonde hair anyway?" minho eyed the fluffiness on top of the boys head in curiosity.

"i think the second i got out of high school. i've had it blonde ever since then." he explained. "i need a touch up or something soon."

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