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without confirming anything, jisung showed up unannounced to chan's place. he had a key from a long time ago which he hadn't used in a long time.

forgive him for the sin he's making from breaking and entering someone's place of living but this was more important.

upon opening the door he walked in, shutting it behind him and deeply sighing so hard that it nearly hurt his throat. he slid down the door slightly, putting his hand up to his forehead to push his hair up out of his face.

"hello..?" a concerned voice came out from the other room, thick with an australian accent.

jisung heard the voice approaching, and deciding to ease his friend's anxiety he spoke up. "channie." he called out, and he could hear the sigh audible sigh of relief.

"jesus christ jisung why didn't you call or-"

"do you have something to drink??" jisung completely ignored the way chan was clearly in the middle of a shower and walked out with a towel wrapped around him.

his hair was wet and he was still steaming from the scorching temperature of the shower. had it been any other day, jisung would've laughed about it.

but he instead turned straight into the kitchen and sat down on the counter.

chan hesitated before following. "yeah, sure, one sec." he shook the confusion from his head and went to open the fridge. "what do you want? water?"

he turned to see jisung GNAWING on the nail of his thumb, deep in thoughts that were clearly troubling him.

"you know what... maybe something stronger." chan decided, closing the fridge and going into the cabinet. he took out a bottle of alcohol that jisung didn't even care to look at.

"i'm confused about something chan." he started, nearly biting off his entire nail as he kicked his leg slightly. "i have a friend and they're not understanding what they're feeling but i also don't understand what they're feeling so i can't really help them." by this point he was speaking fast, but chan was able to follow as he got out a glass and some ice.

he nodded his head. "okay. go on." he nodded, handing the alcohol right over to which the blonde snatched and took a prolonged sip of.

he sighed and put the glass down next to him afterwards. "he has this person who he feels different with- but not typically how he used to feel with them but not anything he feels with anyone else." he spewed, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. he then looked up to momentarily make eye contact. "i'm sleeping over, by the way."

chan laughed lightly through his nose, finding jisung's actions to be spontaneous yet cute. he nodded his head even though the statement wasn't a question. "okay. but yes, continue." he motioned.

jisung sighed and rubbed his face. "he feels like.. weird. he said that's the only way to describe it. his insides get tingly and his heart starts racing and he feels out of breath sometimes. he doesn't know if he likes it or what- but it's so sudden and weird. it feels weird." he spoke. "or so i'm told."

he made short eye contact before finally looking at chan fully. he pointed to his towel. "do you wanna change first?" he questioned.

"yes very much." after being offhandedly granted permission, chan immediately swerved into his room to gather some clothes. "but continue! i can still hear you." he called out and jisung took another long drag from the cup and set it down.

"okay so my friend doesn't understand what it is. he started to dislike being left alone without them too- but it's not really in the same way as his other friends." realizing that he could slip up and expose himself, jisung quickly cleared his throat.

"so he came to me and i don't know what to say to him because i also have no clue what he's feeling." he murmured, bringing his legs to cross on the counter.

"okay, well." chan's voice was muffled as he walked out of his room, pulling a shirt over his body and fixing his wet hair afterwards. "sounds to me like your friend has feelings." he said.

jisung blinked. "yeah, what kind of feelings?"

chan looked at him because he was a little stupid but explained nonetheless. "feeling feelings, jisung." he said. "it sounds like he likes his friend." he went to get a water bottle for himself, leaving jisung to stare at his wet hair in horror.

well shit.

jisung took another swig of the drink that he ended up finishing the entire thing. he wiped his face free from the drips and slumped in disbelief.

"are you sure??????" he questioned rather loudly, making chan giggle and close the fridge. he gave a shrug and turned around with a smile.

"that's what it sounds like to me. fast heart, being nervous. acting weird. feeling weird. has your friend ever felt his stomach twisting or something like that? has he told you?"

jisung stared in horror and nodded his head.

"yup!" chan pointed. "he more than likely has a crush." he concluded.

jisung shoved his empty cup forward. "more." he demanded.

chan obliged and filled the cup back up and handed it over.

"OKAY BUT I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS." he waved his hand to dismiss his thoughts of his own feelings, making chan jump a little as the blonde uncrossed his legs and began kicking slightly.

"what does it mean when someone constantly cooks for you and defends you from mean people or drags you away from potential harm??" he asked.

"or if they appear annoyed with a stranger staring at you? or if they are really good at comforting you and reassuring you?"

"or always catches onto your bad habits and tries to make you stop? or if they're sometimes really gentle with you when typically they're aggressive and rough most of the time?"

"or if you spent a holiday alone and they try to make it better for you? or if they move your hands from your face when you're purposely not looking at them?? what would you think?"

jisung leaned in expectantly as he awaited the answer.

there was a long pause.

"i would think they like me." chan finally said, sipping from his water bottle.


jisung stared at the floor with an unreadable expression. "damn okay." he felt his brain spinning in his skull.

he hesitated before asking another question. "well.. what should my friend do..?"

chan tried to think of his own answer to that question. about what he would personally do if he were in that situation. he sighed, looking up a moment as he thought. "i think i would talk to them and ask them if they liked me. depending on what they say i would confess."

oh wow. this all suddenly felt way too real.

did he.. really have feelings for minho?

how long did he have them? how long had he been dumbly crushing on his once enemy? how long had these feelings been growing? when did they start?

and if there was a possibility of minho feeling the same way, he was definitely NOT going to ask him about it. he couldn't. there was no possible way for him to bring it up, or for him to even consider it.

no, that wasn't how he worked.

if there was a chance minho liked him, he was gonna MAKE him confess it straight to his face.

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