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the two of them left the dorm at the same time to head over to their class.

the moment jisung had completely finished getting changed minho had already finished his bowl of cereal (the blonde had to suppress the urge to yell at him for going through his pantry, but decided against it because to be fair minho wouldn't be there for long anyways).

minho reached over to grab his bag, unplugging his phone and checking the battery even though he knew it was fully charged. he sighed and checked the time, waiting for jisung to finally finish shoving on his shoes.

"you better hurry your ass up." minho mumbled, noticing that if they wanted to make it in on time they should be leaving now.

jisung huffed and tried to hurry his shoe lacing. "just wait- you can't just slip on converse." he complained, making the final loop and pulling them tight on his foot. he quickly grabbed his own phone before also grabbing a granola bar from the counter (it was the fastest thing available).

he nearly tripped over himself on his way to the door, which resulted in a slight scoff from minho as he followed behind, shutting the door as they got outside.

"maybe if your converse weren't so chunky you wouldn't be falling over yourself." he took out his earbuds from his pocket, ready to stuff them in his ears when he heard jisung be the one to scoff this time.

"you're acting like your boots aren't chunky either." jisung eyed the shoes that were complimenting minho's outfit, just as platformed as his own shoes. they were all black, with a few buckles on them.

minho didn't seem to be swayed by his remark though. "the difference is that i actually know how to walk." he shrugged, which resulted another wave of anger to form in jisung's stomach.

"whatever." he mumbled, following minho's steps in taking out his own earbuds to block out anything the older could possibly say.

before he could even play anything though minho's voice interrupted.

"you sleep talk."

the blonde eyed his playlist for a song. "do i?" his voice was monotone in response.

"you kept going on and on." minho added, making jisung roll his eyes. "it was so damn annoying."

"yeah well. i sleep talk sometimes." jisung answered shortly, looking up briefly just so he could see where he was going before going back to his phone.


"at least i don't watch people get changed." jisung murmured, still very clearly offended by the previous situation. he felt heat crawl up his neck in a dull wave of humiliation.

"not my fault you forgot i was there." minho shrugged, pocketing his phone and looking up to make a turn.

jisung stared at the back of his head and tried to swallow down the anger bubble that threatened to pop.

instead he reached to open the granola bar he snatched before he left, opening the packaging and sighing aimlessly. he broke a piece off it and let it crumble in his mouth, focusing on the honey flavor of it instead of his undying annoyance.

things went fine after that. no conversation, no bickering- just silence as they made their way to class.

the two of them had music playing to drown the other out, but so be it. at least it was peaceful.

jisung ate the final bite of the granola bar, crumbling the wrapping into his pocket when he heard a loud gasp from behind them.


turning around, jisung saw hyunjin smiling widely and running towards them.

jisung smiled and waved, not able to say much as he was chewing.

"wow- hey!" hyunjin beamed, panting a little by the time he made it in front of the two. and just as fast as his smile appeared, it disappeared and twisted into something of confusion. "wait.." he loosely pointed at the two.

"you two walk to class together?"

jisung's eyes went wide and instantly he choked- coughing and waving his hand whilst shaking his head. "what- no! this isn't- not usually-"

"no, dumbass, jisung is the new roommate i was assigned to." butting in to finish jisung's incoherent sentence, minho briefly looked over to the blonde and motioned towards him. "yesterday was the first day."

hyunjin blinked, waiting to see if minho was joking because there was no way in hell this was something that was actually happening. but after a few moment more of staring, hyunjin's mouth began to drop after realizing he was serious.

"no way, you serious? HA WOW-"

"watch it." minho's tone dropped, making the brunette instantly cling to jisung for protection because he definitely was not gonna shut his mouth.

"but what are the odds of that?!" hyunjin broke into a fit of laughter whilst still clinging to jisung's arm. "it's not funny- but it really fucking is-"

"hyunjinnn stop laughing." jisung whined, pouting and pulling on hyunjin's arm. he knew that their situation was laughable, but still. was it really that funny? was his misery laughable?

"that's hilarious-"

yes it was.

"ahaha.. okay okay i'm done. whew. ugh my lungs hurt- okay anyways we're gonna be late let's go." hyunjin patted jisung's arm with a bright smile and hummed, pulling him to walk and catch up to minho who had been walking.

"minho wait up!" hyunjin called loudly as he ran faster, dragging jisung behind him. once he was at an acceptable distance he slid his other arm around minho's free arm.

now forcing a human link chain, hyunjin pulled the two of them closer to himself. "so! wanna go to a movie after class-"

"no." a reply in unison, one mean and the other exhausted sounding.

"oh come on! just one little movie? please? it would be fun!! we can watch the new spider man-"

"hyunjin." another warning, this time met with dangerous eyes.

the very look minho shot made jisung wanna shrivel in fear, but hyunjin had the very opposite reaction. he smiled, sticking his tongue out. "so boring."

jisung paused, hesitating a little before speaking and leaning in closer to whisper something into hyunjin's ear. "uh.. hyunjin.."

"hm?" the brunette leaned his head in closer for jisung to better speak.

"has minho ever beaten the shit out of you..?" it was coming from a place of pure curiosity and even concern, but the way it came out was laughable. there was no way hyunjin could act the way he does without being beat up.

"no." it was minho who replied, making jisung startle and look over towards him. "i don't go around beating my friends, despite what you think. or what you've told people."

that was another direct jab to the past, and this made jisung's eyes darken. "considering you beat me up i find that astonishing."

"we weren't friends." minho was fast with a rebuttal.

"you beat jisung up?!" hyunjin gasped, making minho roll his eyes.

"he came at me first and we beat each other up." he corrected, another roll to his eyes.

"remember hyunjin? i told you this." jisung mentioned, recalling the time at the cafe where he first ever hung out with hyunjin. when he spilled most of the tea.

"well you didn't talk about it much..! you barely said anything." hyunjin looked off to the side, cheek puffing out as he blew air from his mouth outwardly. "but please, one movie?"

however the question died as nobody gave another answer, making hyunjin deflate in defeat. "you guys suck."

"sorry not sorry." minho shrugged, heading over to the building they were only now a few feet away from.

the tall brunette groaned and stomped forward, following with footsteps that sounded as if a toddler were throwing a fit.

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