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"we're gonna go out to eat now, are you in?" chan questioned, swinging both jisung and minho's hand after grabbing it with his own.

the ravenette sucked down the natural urge to pull his hand away (he didn't know chan that well enough and didn't wanna hurt his feelings by snatching). "i think i'm gonna go home." he said, instead carefully sliding his hand away and putting it to his side.

"oh yeah, me too. i think i worked a little too hard and now i wanna go to sleep. m' tired." jisung agreed, using his free hand to wipe at his eyes.

"oh yeah." jeongin butted, looking at the pair up and down. "you two should probably shower too. you're both covered in blood." he mentioned like it was a forgotten fact.

to be fair, it was. they forgot about the cold, uncomfy blood splattered on themselves. probably wouldn't be best to go to a restaurant like that.

changbin hadn't been drenched like the two of them were. felix made him a werwolf, so the most he had were fangs and blood just at his mouth which he could easily wipe away.

"okay. if you need anything just call me okay?" chan pulled jisung into a hug (he was still wearing his smock so it didn't matter) and squeezed him tightly. "if you want any food i can bring it to you."

jisung smiled and patted his back. "i will, thank you. that's nice of you."

upon letting go, everyone said their goodbyes as the two rivals made their way to head home.

it wasn't that far of a walk.

jisung shivered, seeing his breath in front of his face as he grabbed his jacket that he had hidden from the eyes of the people coming through their section.

"it's freezing." he trembled, grabbing his bag of things and waiting for minho to get his stuff.

"yeah, no shit." he nodded in agreement, putting on the black hoodie he didn't mind getting ruined. he pulled the hood up to cover his ears. "now that we're not moving you can feel it worse." he sniffled.

"we better get home quick or else we're gonna get sick." jisung put on his jacket, zipping it all the way up.

they made their way out of the event, shoving their freezing hands into their pockets and trying to not think about the cold nipping at their ears.

"soup sounds so good right now." minho couldn't help but murmur. he always had a love for delicious foods and was always trying new recipes.

it was only natural for his brain to wander off on all the possible soups he could be eating right now if he were home. he could drool just at the thought.

"mmm pumpkin soup." jisung added, humming over his words and feeling his mouth water. "or grilled cheese with tomato soup." he rested a hand over his freezing cheek.

"pumpkin? is that good? never tried it." minho made sure there were no cars coming before he crossed the street.

"it's sooo good! it's so warm and gently sweet but tasty. probably one of my favorites! it depends how it's made though." he brought up a very informative finger as he explained.

honestly, soup sounded so amazingly good right now.

"bet i could make it good." minho mentioned, making the younger snort and shoot him a look momentarily.

"always so confident, aren't you?" he raised an eyebrow.

minho only shamelessly nodded. "i'm confident in the things i know i have the right to be confident in." he shrugged, putting it simply. "i'm very capable when it comes to cooking. am i not?"

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