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it was kind of hard to think about when exactly jisung ended up falling. it was complicated. their entire relationship had been complicated and nothing but hostile for the longest time.

jisung couldn't remember the feelings of hate that tainted his heart. he couldn't remember the last time minho was really mean to him.

he couldn't remember what it felt like to hate him so much. he couldn't remember the feeling of looking at minho and scowling in disgust.

he felt like he couldn't imagine doing that now.

jisung held tightly onto minho, and his eyes dropped down to the way minho's fingers were gently rubbing against his leg as he was being carried.

he stared at the soft motions of his thumbs rubbing a small circle on his leg, and felt the electricity rush to his head and simmer behind his heart.

he couldn't remember the last time he felt this way about anybody.

it was insane that the person who made him feel the most safe used to be the person who made him so angry all the time.

minho looked at the final stands, stopping at one that was selling chocolates. he scanned the options and stopped when he saw flavors he thought the two of them would like.

jisung felt the vibrations of him speaking. "how much for ten?" they were small little pieces, about the size of the ones that were inside a valentine's day heart.

the guy running the stand smiled and replied with the amount, but jisung was too busy focusing on the way minho's grip shifted to be more prominent on one leg as he went into his pocket and took out his wallet with his other hand.

"which flavors do you want?" the man took out a little plastic bag that was decorated with hearts. it was clear that most people came here to get candies for their significant other. the thought alone had jisung's cheeks threatening to burn.

minho took his time pointing out to each flavor he wanted, pointing at the display with his free hand and watching the guy plop ten pieces inside the bag.

"is this being shared with your boyfriend or is he going to get a separate bag?"

"it's shared."

jisung's eyes FLEW open.

he was so lucky that minho was focusing on handing over his card that he didn't feel jisung physically tense up and nearly fall off.

oh my god did he just-?

his ears were ringing in a matter of seconds and all the blood in his body instantly rushed up to his face.

"thanks, have a nice day." minho gave a small bow as the man handed over his card back along with the chocolates.

he slid the bag up to his wrist and brought his other hand back to secure jisung's leg again and continued to walk like nothing.

what. the fuck.

freaking out wasn't even the word. jisung's brain was whirling around as he tried to figure out what the hell just happened.


since WHEN.

his throat suddenly felt extremely dry and his fingers tightened around where they met his own arms around minho's neck.

how did he feel so comfortable yet so endangered at the same time?? his sanity was CRITICALLY endangered with every passing second yet he felt so, so comfortable where he was.

"damn, it's cold." minho wincing as a gust of icy wind passed them is what brought jisung out his mini meltdown.

he hadn't even registered the cold at all. to be fair though, he was also wearing the jacket that minho preferred to wear going out. it was extra warm and padded.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now