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the next morning jisung was the first to wake up, given that he was the one that got the most sleep.

he sat up before even opening his eyes, hand once again wandering like it did last night to feel around.

his hand came in contact with a face and he sleepily smiled at that. he yawned and rubbed his eye with his other hand, opening them to look down where he was touching.

sure enough, just like expected, minho was fast asleep next to him.

"i woke up before you?" he sleepily questions to himself, because the chances of him getting up earlier than minho were always so slim.

he looks at minho and leans down and places a kiss to his cheek because he feel as if he can.

not to make himself sound like a wuss, but so far he hasn't dared to initiate anything daring or sweet and simple like a kiss on the cheek.

but now? he did it without any second thought.

he peered over at hyunjin who was wrapped up in a soft, white, fluffy blanket.

jisung couldn't help but feel like he currently resembled something like a proper prince.

he was knocked out cold, though.

as if his body finally realized he had slept on the floor for a couple hours, a clear and sharp pain ran up along his spine.

"ow-" he winces, face twisting from the ache that collected in the center of his back. he sucks in a breath and presses a hand to the back of his neck which seemed to hurt when he looked to the right.

before he could even rub the ache, suddenly there was movement and before jisung could process it minho was sitting up.

"what happened?" his voice was thick with sleep, his head snapping towards the blonde.

jisung blinked as he watched minho's hair stick up and how eyes were barely open, squinted like there was a bright light shining in them despite it being nearly pitch black.

despite not being able to see, his face was twisted with blind concern.

jisung laughs a little, a hand coming out to press lightly on minho's chest to urge him back down.

"nothing, nothing. my back and neck just hurt from sleeping on the floor." he reassures, but minho doesn't lay back down.

instead his attention actually does shift, and his eyes open slightly more simply to glare at hyunjin; who's curled up and sleeping peacefully on the couch still.

"that fucker." he says, voice barely audible.

jisung snorts and only pushes minho to lay down again.

"no need to think of murder, i'm okay." he smiles, but minho's hand is on his wrist and pulling him down too.

jisung yelps a little at the sudden way minho slots them together so suddenly, back up against the older's chest while laying on his side; so close that he could feel every inhale and exhale of minho's diaphragm.

"mm go to sleep." he mumbles, voice drowsy as he shamelessly presses his nose to the back of jisung's neck.

minho takes another exhale, his breath fanning against the skin he was pressed against. warm and welcoming.

jisung burns.

"b-but i just woke up-" he utters, more in embarrassment rather than complaint. he knew he couldn't complain being held like this.

he feels the ghost of lips against his nape.

"still." minho sighs. "just for a little more."

and then the conversation falls short, minho's tight grip going slightly slack as his body relaxes and his breath evens out. he's back to sleep again.

the silence fills the comfortable space, entirely calm and reassuring. maybe jisung can fall back asleep.

he allows his eyes to get tired again, and fully allows his body to give up any restraint to the one holding him.

he melts, and after a few minutes that he didn't even know we're going by, his body is being lulled back to sleep.

his pulse is slow and relaxed, his breathing evening out in a way he could barely even register.

sleep was so close until he felt a buzzing against his leg.


jisung could only fully realize it was a phone around the third buzz.

was that his phone? how long had it been there?

he was entirely too close to sleep to actually even be worried about radiation like he always was, instead his hand finding the source of disruption and bringing it up.

the device was still buzzing in his hand, quiet yet demanding.

he opens his eyes and wish he didn't.

his confusion lasts only a second before being replaced with a burning feeling that makes his stomach sink.

a feeling that burned all the way to the back of his neck where he could no longer feel the tingle of minho's lips, instead a fire.

the phone blares at him as it vibrates in his hand.

his pulse is no longer slow.

it jumped and was ringing in his sore ears; his spine hurting despite him not even physically moving or the pain not really even being there.

but it hurts as he looked at the caller.

his mother.

his breath shakes and he stares because that's all he could really do. he just stares.

he stares and stares as he feels his legs go numb and his hands go shaky. he feels like he's cold but he knows he's not.

why is she calling?

the screen goes black and the phone was no longer buzzing. it was quiet, and it was still.

as still as jisung's breath.

he's still staring and he feels sick.

it takes a couple seconds for him to actually put the phone down against the blanket, but he's slow and he can't move anything other than his hands.

the silence is back in the room but now more prominent and sharp. that hurt too.

jisung lets go of another shaky breath and pretends his body isn't feeling the way it is. pretends that he didn't see it. pretends like his heart isn't beating because he wishes it wasn't.

instead, he brings the blanket up higher on his body- minho's arms around his torso not being disrupted and still there.

jisung moves himself even closer to minho once the blanket is brought up to his chin.

his eyes haven't moved once despite his phone not even being there anymore.

he sinks into minho and tries to focus on the warmth and comfort he always provides.

he breathes another shaky breath and underneath the blanket, his hands meet and he begins abusing the skin around his nails.

he closes his eyes but even that hurts.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now