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the next day in class, hyunjin was extremely confused.

he had looked over multiple times by now. at first he simply wanted to go to talk to his beloved friends.

but he found himself pausing and analyzing with furrowed brows and mouth agape in slight confusion.

things felt... off.

had they gotten in another fight??

hyunjin saw how the two of them avoided eye contact. it was more obvious than anything he'd ever seen before- except one huge thing was missing.

their faces weren't distorted with anger or hate. there was not an ounce of bitterness present. not a single glare.

minho had his chin rested in his hand, his elbow meeting the table as he looked off at the board.

jisung was doing the same with his opposite hand. head tilted the other way, looking in the other direction and scraping at the table with his finger.

by the time the lecture was over and everyone began packing up, hyunjin hesitantly approached the situation with caution.

"h-hey guys.." he stammered, trying to read the room in fear of being caught in the middle of their feud. "did you two fight..?"

this earned the two of them looking up at hyunjin as if he were the weird one. "what?" minho questioned, putting his tablet in his bag.

"no, we didn't fight." jisung said, purely honest and tilting his head a little with furrowed brows. "why?"

hyunjin stared back in disbelief, briefly motioning to the two of them with his hand. "you.. two aren't.. mad at each other right now..?"

minho looked back at the brunette and shrugged, shaking his head. "no." he simply said.

hyunjin tried to wrap his head around the concept of them not fighting. especially when this was usually a telltale sign that they were in the middle of an argument.

in fact, hyunjin didn't think he saw a single time when the two of them spoke to each other this entire lecture. not even to say something rude.

"why are you asking this suddenly?" jisung grabbed his phone from the table and stood up, slinging his bag up his arm.

"you two haven't looked at each other once." hyunjin pointed out.

a beat of silence.

"what are you talking about?" minho asked, as if genuinely confused.

however hyunjin shook his head. "it's true! you guys were completely turned away from each other like, the entire class." he pushed.

"that's not true." this time jisung butted in, convinced that they definitely spoke at least once. or at the very least looked at each other.

hyunjin crossed his arms. "look at each other right now then." he demanded, trying to prove that he was not making it up.

the sudden request had it feeling weird in a matter of seconds.

jisung felt his lips go in a tight line. his eyes found the floor. and minho didn't even attempt to turn his head in the blonde's direction.

suddenly the older scoffed, picking up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "you're making shit up hyunjin." he said, and instantly jisung nodded in agreement.

"yeah! it's like you prefer us to be fighting all the time." his cheek puffed out, arms crossing as he turned to the door. "now if you excuse me, i have to meet up with felix." he declared.

"and i have somewhere to be." minho said, just as dismissive, and the two of them left the room.

hyunjin was too stunned to speak.


later on in the day jisung decided to go study.

did he need to study? no.

he knew all the material from all the classes he was taking at the moment. in fact, he didn't even know what to start with when he got to the library.

he simply put down his textbooks and decided to dive into whatever he opened to first.

and he did this for hours.

there were a lot of other students there doing the same, being sat down with piles of textbooks and papers.

it was quiet for the most part, of course there was some chatter but jisung wasn't able to hear it anyway with his headphones on.

he was in the middle of writing down a number when his phone buzzed on the table.

he finished writing, putting down his pencil and sighing at his aching fingers. the felt stiff.

he gave them a good crack before reaching for his phone.

minho: where r u

it was a single message. jisung let go of a slight yawn, looking at the time at the corner of his screen.

he didn't realize how late it had gotten. he rubbed his eye before typing his reply.

jisung: i'm at the library
why? :0

the blonde put his phone down so he could grip his chair to be able to crack his back. he twisted his body and smiled once he heard the loud 'pop' and did the same for his neck.

his phone buzzed again.

minho: did u even eat

jisung's thumb paused over the keyboard.

he then typed out another reply.

jisung: no

minho: r u stupid

jisung found himself rolling his eyes, going to type before another message immediately popped up.

minho: i don't feel like cooking.

jisung blinked at the screen.

jisung: okay..?

minho: let's get food

it wasn't out of the ordinary for minho to not feel like cooking. to be fair, he was the main one who did most of the cooking at the dorm.

it's not like jisung didn't try though. he just didn't have a passion for it the way minho did. plus, his cooking wasn't that spectacular anyway.

jisung: but i don't have money

that was true. jisung had found himself in the unfortunate spot of being dry in commissions recently. it happens.

the $600 went straight into savings for emergency money and he didn't feel like dipping into that.

he hummed quietly to himself as he waited for a response.

minho: did i ask if u had money.

jisung found both hands pausing.

he stared at the screen.

he didn't even have time to reply because minho was suddenly sending another message.

minho: hurry up & get back so we can get food

the faint sound of the notification and the buzz in his hand suddenly brought him back.

jisung: okay,, i'm getting all my things together now
i'll be home in a few mins

minho: k.

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