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"that one is dollie." minho pointed to the spotted cat that was asleep in its bed, curled up in a perfect little ball.

"ooo okay." jisung nodded in interest, taking note of the fifth name that was introduced to him.

the cafe and the cat rooms had been separated.

there were multiple different rooms that had cats in them, and the one they were in had comfortable cushions on the floor for them to sit on.

jisung was on a circular pink cushion while minho was on a circular blue one.

"what about this one?" jisung scooped up a passing cat, who meowed and started purring as it was held just under the arms.

"that one is hand towel."

"hand towel??" jisung bursted into a laugh as the cat turned to face him with another big meow, as if it knew it's name was being made fun of.

minho shrugged. "yeah, some of them have very odd names. wasn't me, but someone thought it suited him." he said, catching the attention of another cat by doing a hand motion which had it running towards him.

truth be told, minho was a cat whisperer.

they all loved him. circling around him, rubbing against him, fighting for the spot in his lap.

it seemed like minho knew every way each cat liked to be pet.

"they really like you." jisung smiled from seeing the one currently in minho's lap yawn and put its head back down against his leg to sleep.

purring was quickly filling up the room.

"like i said, i used to come here a lot as a teen. still do sometimes." minho says, eyes soft as he gently scratched against the spine of a black cat.

jisung didn't even know he was smiling until his cheeks began to hurt. he cleared his throat and looked back at the cat in his arms and forced himself to rest his face.

it was another spotted one. it had an interesting coat, black and orange spots varying in size. but the best thing about it was it's fangs that seemed to be too long for it's own good.

even with a closed mouth his two little teeth were visible. it looked more like a bat than anything.

"hand towel." jisung mimicked, bringing a hand up to scratch just under his chin. "what a cutie. do you like kisses?" he gasped with excited curiosity.

hand towel was purring, which could only mean one thing. jisung squealed as he picked the cat up again from under its arms, bringing it up so he could place a soft smooch on its soft furry head.

"AHH so cute!!" he said, placing him down and watching him instantly go run to chase another cat.

jisung looked over to see minho staring at him, to which the blonde grinned and tilted his head.

"awh, don't be jealous."

minho stopped petting the black cat to instantly laugh. "where'd you get that from?" he questioned, tilting his head in the same direction jisung did to meet his eyes better.

"i can sense it. the way you're looking at me." jisung quipped and teased, bringing a hand up to poke minho's cheek as the older glared at him.

jisung could only giggle under his intense gaze, going even further to pinch minho's cheek between his fingers.

he couldn't help but absolutely abuse his power. he never thought in a million years he would be able to pinch lee minho's cheek like this.

plus, it was great payback for all the times the older would do this to him.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now