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"jisung.. what?"

after seeing the very enthusiastic texts of felix saying that he's planning another 'adventure' for the group, jisung thought that he should update him on what happened last night before talking about a trip.

he felt like it made sense. felix had already known everything. he was the only friend who heard the stories of what has happened to him throughout his life.

not everything, but some things.

and he was always kind enough to sit through every explanation jisung did decide to share.

it was only right to tell him how things ended. how it's really over for good now.

thus, jisung responded to felix's text with a suggestion to go out for some food at a cafe. the last time they really spoke was before the party where.. things happened.

which brings them here, jisung holding a iced coffee with felix looking at him with big eyes that are oozing.

he gave felix the rundown of last night- everything.

talking about it was like experiencing it for a second time.

it was difficult which is something jisung didn't really expect, but seeing felix's expression go sadder and sadder made him realize just how bad it really was.

at the end of the explanation felix completely left his drink untouched and reached his hands over the table to softly hold jisung's.

"yeah." jisung sighs and looks off to the side a little, feeling felix's soft fingers run against his knuckles. "it was pretty bad.. even worse because minho was there but-"

"and you said he helped you?" felix's eyes were sparkling with something mixed with sadness and relief at the same time; and jisung wants to hug him as if everything happened to him and not himself.

the blonde nods his head and smiles a little. "yes, he did."

"i'm glad he was there for you.. but the scratches ji.."

he sees felix's eyes land over to where he vividly remembers being scratched, and he feels it burn suddenly as if new.

he swallows, going to take another sip of his coffee to get rid of the bad taste left in his mouth at the memory. "it's okay." he reassures. "nothing else is gonna happen. this is the end of it all i guess."

even saying it feels foreign. how could he know anything else when this had been his entire life?

still, it felt nice to say it out loud.

"minho consoled me afterwards. he hugged me and reassured me that i was okay; he took me out her grasp and saved me essentially. he stopped me from getting trapped again." the bad taste in his mouth deteriorates, being replaced with a much sweeter flavor as he smiles slightly.

he can taste the coffee again.

"oh wow.." felix says softly, watching the way jisung's face rests and the tension leave.

"he did all the right things." he finally concludes, and he smiles just a little more as he takes another sip.

felix tilts his head. "so are you two best friends now?" he asks, and jisung almost chokes because oh my god they don't know.

jisung clears his throat and takes his hand back, finding that his eyes were suddenly glued to the table.

he feels his stomach twist and he picks at the edge of the table bashfully.

"oh.. um.. so about that.." he murmurs, and suddenly felix blinks and is staring at him expectedly.

there's a long moment of silence, and that only makes the interest in felix's eyes seep through even more.

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