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the first time jisung couldn't find his mother was the day after his dad left to somewhere the five year old hadn't known.

it was the next day, and jisung woke up all by himself.

his mother's hands were no longer playing with his hair, and her hands weren't lovingly patting his back as he woke up.

instead he was cold.

he shivered himself awake, prying his eyes open and getting out of bed.

it was strange.

his house was never this cold.

he made his way out of his room with another shiver, going to the living room to see the source of the freezing temperature.

his front door was swung wide open, and hadn't been closed.

the five year old shook, sneezing twice, before hurrying to the front door to shut it. he remembered being told to always make sure the door was locked, so he flicked the slot closed.

the door must've been swinging open all night.

jisung quickly took the blanket that was always folded on the couch, and wrapped it around his little body.

he looked around the living room to see there had been things tussled and thrown everywhere.

papers were on the floor, pictures, and most importantly; an empty bottle of something jisung had never seen before.

he waddled over, picking it up from the floor and gently placing it on the table.

he remembered his mother always saying to make sure to never leave juice on the floor, or else someone could knock it over. even though the bottle was empty, it could still break.

jisung continued to look around the house, finding that no one was there. not in his mother's room, not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen.

there was not a single person in the house besides himself.

jisung felt the low buzz of anxiousness form in the tiny pit of his stomach. he wanted to call out for his mom, but for some reason he was too afraid to speak too loud in the house by himself.

it didn't make any sense as to why, but he just was.

as if there was a monster hiding in the corner of the darkness, waiting for the very moment jisung would say something to rip him apart.

he had a feeling his mother wasn't there anyway.

he made his way to the kitchen, his stomach growling aggressively because he wasn't fed anything the day prior.

his tiny hands pried open the fridge, shivering even more at the cold air that ignited from the structure. he was freezing and starving.

he looked inside but didn't see anything he could make for himself. he didn't see any milk for cereal, no fruits, nothing that could be easy for a five year old to access.

the snack pantries had been far too high for him to reach, and he could only look up at it in helplessness.

he was starving.


"look! it already has two hundred likes!" felix brightly followed jisung around, walking around the campus.

jisung whined a little, throwing his head back in complaint. "is it really too late for you to take it down?"

"yup! too late! have you been reading the comments?" felix asked, smile growing brighter as he read over some of them silently. "they love you."

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