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after coming to terms that minho was going to change roommates, jisung knew that there was nothing he could do.

so there was no point in dwelling on it.

"has he showered yet?" hyunjin asked after staring at his friend's sickly complexion.

jisung shook his head. "no. he hasn't gotten out of bed since he got sick. he's too delirious." he commented, looking at how minho was asleep for the fourth time that day.

hyunjin decided to stay over for a while, stealing some of their food and abusing their television.

he put on a drama he was in the middle of watching and was absolutely devouring some peeled and sliced pears he convinced jisung to get for him.

the blonde sighed and sat down on his bed, looking at the tv as the cringey love scenario played out. "actually, you should handle that for me." he said.

"oh, absolutely not." hyunjin didn't miss a beat. "if he ever found out he'd skin me alive. believe me, i've tried to shower with him in the past."

just as jisung was trying to reach for a pear his hand immediately stopped and he slowly turned his head towards the brunette. "what."

"as friends?? you've never showered with the besties?" hyunjin raised an eyebrow as if jisung were the weird one.


"oh." hyunjin blinked. "well maybe we should shower!" he enthusiastically suggested, standing up.

jisung's face instantly turned red. he was undeniably flustered as he pulled hyunjin to sit back down by his arm. "u-um maybe not-"

hyunjin pouted. "but whyyy? why not?" he tilted his head. "are we not friends enough?"

"what does being friends have anything to do with seeing each other.. naked?" jisung's face turned even more red as he stood up to head towards the kitchen.

"i'm just gonna wash his face with a wet rag or something." he changed the topic, ignoring hyunjin's loud sounds of protest and complaints.

"but it's a bonding experience..!!"

jisung tuned hyunjin out as he grabbed a small hand towel and ran it under warm water. he ended up going to put a little body soap on it and got another dry towel.

by the time he got back to minho, hyunjin was still complaining about jisung's lack of willingness to shower with him.

ignoring his red ears, jisung began wiping down minho's face.

he had been sweating out his fever pretty bad, so jisung bet that this felt really nice.

he scrubbed a spot on his cheek, making minho squirm a little and open his eyes.

"stay still." jisung gently said, pushing his hair up from his forehead as minho tiredly looked at him.

he temporarily put down the rag and decided to use the hair-tie around his wrist to collect the hair falling into minho's face and tied it up.

suddenly hyunjin popped his head into jisung's peripheral vision. "are you tuning me out?"

"just a little."

"wooow." he gasped, sitting down on the bed. "just say you hate me."

"hyunjin, you're too loud." minho had suddenly murmured, his voice coming across as annoyed.

hyunjin slapped a hand over his mouth and backed out in apology, sliding over to jisung's side of the dorm and flopping down on his bed.

the blonde let go of a sigh and went back to scrubbing minho's face. "you better not be mad at me when you remember this." he said.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now