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a problem arose.

a little message that was sent to jisung's phone.

in the message, it stated that there would be someone coming to check the state of the dorm room.

a message insinuating that there would be a checking of the roommates, and how they were living together. if the dorm was a total wreck or not.

he wouldn't have cared on a normal day.

except for the fact that minho doesn't even live there anymore! jisung groaned, rubbing his eyes and sighing with frustration.

he didn't even know when this was happening, the text being brief and lacking any kind of information.

but he also knew suddenly asking when was a little suspicious- which would've totally given away that neither of them were ready for a check-in.

grumbling to himself, jisung suddenly went to his contacts and clicked hyunjin's number, completely taking a pause on the homework he was in the middle of completing.

holding the phone to his ear, he listened to the ring tone intensely until it stopped.

"JISUNG! hey! what's up?"

"hey hyunjin," the blonde smiled at his greeting before continuing. "are you with minho by any chance? we have each other blocked on everything and i need to talk to him. i figured i'd call you."

there was a pause on the line- until hyunjin spoke up with an interested tone. "ohh.. so you called for minho, huh?" he dragged out loudly, clearly for the sake of simply repeating it.

yeah minho was definitely there.

"okay, i'll see what i can do~" hyunjin's voice moved away from the phone, creating silence except for the tussling sounds faintly being heard through the line.

eventually jisung was able to make out a few sentences. "no i'm serious..! that's really what he said!!"

jisung sighed and waited for a few more seconds until he heard someone pick up the phone. "..hello?" minho's voice sounded confused and slightly displeased at the same time.

"listen, we have a problem." jisung began. "i got a text saying there's going to be roommate check-ins and you have to be here for whenever that is."

"what?" minho sounded even more confused. "roommate check-ins? they check our dorms? what the fuck?-"

"i know, i know. it's honestly probably a discreet drug search or something. but if they find out we're breaking the rules and you aren't living here we're gonna get in trouble."

he heard a frustrated sigh on the other end. there was a pause (presumably minho explaining it briefly to hyunjin). "when are they coming?" he then asked.

"no idea, maybe in a couple of days. they didn't say in the message."

where there should've probably been another row of silence, the giggles of hyunjin broke through and filled it up. jisung heard shuffling on the other end of the line and yet another groan from minho.

"i'll have to get my stuff." he sounded deflated, and in agony. just like jisung sounded.

"okay.. sounds great." sarcasm tinted the blonde's voice. "just let me know when you're on your way. doesn't have to be today." he murmured, eventually hanging up without another word.

surely it wouldn't be so bad.


well for starters, minho never let jisung know when he was coming over.

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