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jisung ended up downing both of the drinks. minho's and his own.

by the time he was finished chugging his feelings away, his emotional restraint was gone and so was his filter.

instead of feeling a mix of hurt and anger- it was just anger left bubbling inside of him now.

he was pissed, forget being sad. all feelings of sadness must've left as the second drink got into his system.

as the night went on, it didn't get better.

but jisung didn't give up despite his anger.

if anything, it fueled him.

he had gone up to minho and grabbed his hand hard, demanding he dance with him again as he stumbled slightly.

minho caught him with some concern and handed jisung off to chan to make sure the blonde didn't end up somewhere dangerous.

but why didn't HE take him???

jisung watched incredulously as minho walked away again, catching the way he kept on looking back.

"if he's gonna look back so much why not just stay with me?!" jisung grumbled loudly to himself, chan's hands steadying him as he tilted his head in confusion at the sentence.

the australian was lost but still sat jisung down with a cup of water.

the night kept going on like that.

jisung was actively taking every moment to try and talk to minho but it grew to the point where the older seemed more and more avoidant.

avoiding eye contact, avoiding speaking, and trying to get jisung to calm down when he did.

the night was almost over and jisung hadn't even gotten a conversation with him.

this was all going to shit.

the build up of tonight had risen to something dangerous in jisung's body, his heart racing with a mix of anger and hurt (which came back after the fifth additional attempt) and he was done with this.

clearly this wasn't working. clearly minho didn't care.

he was at his wits end.

he was sitting next to jeongin as the party boomed around them.

the youngest had a few drinks already. it was obvious in the way his smile had grown throughout the night as he clapped for seungmin dancing in the mesh of people.

he let himself loose and it was always somewhat endearing to see this side of jeongin.

after cheering for seungmin on the dance floor, jisung tapped his arm.

he had been sulking for god knows how long by now. he had yet to update jeongin on the way the plan was going.

"yeah?" the younger shouted over the music, turning his attention to his friend. "shouldn't you be in the middle of your plan?" he questioned and that's exactly when jisung's thoughts and feelings came bubbling over.

"where is minho?"

jeongin blinked, tilting his head a little because he had absolutely no idea. "i actually don't know." he answered, briefly breaking eye contact to look around the party.

he couldn't spot him, so he gave a shrug and looked at jisung. "why? you okay?"

jisung swallowed down the urge to spill absolutely everything because he knew his anger wouldn't be able to be held at bay.

so he took a sharp inhale that poorly masked his agitation.

he suddenly stood up. "i'm just gonna fucking tell him." he said, and the way jeongin's eyes nearly budged out of his eyes could've been considered comical in any other situation.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now