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it was a slow day.

tired and cold. minho felt sick.

he was eight.

an eight year old boy who had gotten a cold from being outside without a jacket.

a loud sneeze made its way past his nose, and he used a tissue to blow into sickly. he was miserable.

he was laying in bed, head hurting and aching in every way possible. he was home in bed, alone.

why was he alone? because his mother claimed something terrible had happened and she needed to be right back due to the emergency.

the "emergency"? minho already knew what it was. it was that kid. that boy. the same boy it always was.

he was always the emergency.

minho was on the verge of tears, hurting all over and just wanting someone to hold him. he wanted to be secure in his mothers arms while she ran her fingers through his hair, telling him that he was going to get better. but she wasn't there.

she was barely ever there.

a loud slam of the front door filled the house, and immediately minho knew it was her.

"j-just hold on a bit sweetie? its okay-" her voice sounded panicked from where it came from downstairs. "you're gonna be alright-"

the panicked tone could barely make minho get out of the bed. he felt far too sick to. and quite honestly, he didn't feel concerned.

minho closed his sick eyes as he listened, sniffling as he heard things being flung around downstairs urgently. and he listened to the rushed footsteps that eventually rushed up towards his room.

the door opened, and he saw his mother rush in. her face was set with panic, her hands borderline shaking as she looked around the room for something.

"h-hey hun, i'm sorry, something happened." her voice was rushed as she opened minho's closet in search for the item she needed. "i promise i'll be right back up here to take care of you sweetie, just give me a moment."

minho didn't say a single word, watching the woman sigh in relief from spotting what she was looking for, reaching and pulling out minho's favorite heated blanket.

minho lacked motivation or energy to ask why she needed that.

but she told him anyway.

"he got left out in the snow all by himself and his mother- well, his mother must've not realized she locked him out. he was out there with barely anything on for nearly two hours.." she unfolded the blanket in her shaky hands.

he got left out. it was always "he".

"he's barely even responding to me and i just have to make sure he's okay, hun. i promise i'll be back up to check on you, but he's really not well.." her words were just as rushed as her movements. she quickly came up to her son, planting a kiss on his warm forehead before brushing the hair from his sickly, sullen face.

"i'll be back." was all she said before quickly heading back downstairs.

but she never came back into the room. the situation downstairs was far too serious and took more time that she realized.

and minho fell asleep that night crying.

'he' was really not well, but so was minho.


"okay.. this is fine." jisung whispered to himself, playing with the strings of his hoodie as he looked around, hoping to see the coffee shop appear in his sight.

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