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when minho advised jisung to relax and just do the tasks, he didn't think that he would regret saying it.

jisung was getting frustrated. minho could see it in the way he sighed and how aggressive his touches were getting on the person ahead of him.

when jisung actually got to him, his hand traveled up his body much less gently than the first person.

minho rolled his eyes, already beginning to think that jisung was going to fail miserably as he felt him squeeze his arm.

part of him was thinking about yanking his arm away and instruct jisung to go back to his seat and just let felix win, but that thought was cut off the moment he felt jisung's cold hand softly touch the side of his neck.

minho blinked, looking down at jisung's focused face which was half covered by the blindfold.

minho didn't know why he was touching his neck as if that could ever possibly indicate something, but just then he saw a flash of realization shoot on the blondes face.

"oh wait-" jisung said as if he were stupid, and suddenly he moved down.

minho could not help the way his face contorted in confusion and shock from seeing jisung get down. the entire audience screamed at the action, and minho saw some people kicking their feet from where they were.

what the fuck was he doing?

minho watched as jisung laid a palm flat against his thigh.

he felt his ears burn. his mouth was slightly agape because what the fuck.

he stared in pure disbelief.

he felt jisung slightly dig his fingers into his thigh, and his hands almost went to pry the blonde away, but he couldn't move. so he stood there watching with reddening ears.

"oh!" jisung said, as if this was an indicator. as if this was getting him somewhere. suddenly he sprung back up, hands feeling upwards.

minho held his breath the moment he felt jisung reach up to his chest. he patted the area, his hand resting just at his peck to feel around.

minho was gonna murder him.

his neck also began blossoming with red, as he adverted his eyes to look up or anywhere else he could.

jisung smiled a little, a hint that he was feeling like he might have the right person.

all he needed were more indicators. some more telltale signs because the two before minho also had traits that were similar.

he was not going to lose that prize.

another flash of an idea flew across jisung's face which made minho instantly worry.

he didn't know what to expect when suddenly jisung reached for his wrists. he gripped them, making minho immediately tense and his eyes widen in more disbelief.

jisung brought their hands up, as if he was mimicking the feeling pinning minho's hands down.

everyone watching were losing their minds because what the FUCK did this mean?

minho's mouth fell open and jisung squeezed a little, his expression brightening up because he was just so, so oblivious and stupid that he was more focused on the fact that this felt familiar to him.

and to make matters worse, jisung suddenly leaned forward towards minho's neck on the same side he had bitten before.

he was so close. too close.

he breathed in a little, being able to smell the clean scent and the faint lemon stuck to minho's skin.

this scene truly looked like something else entirely.

the blush ate minho's ears so bad to the point they felt like they were on fire.

and as if needing just one more thing, jisung let go of minho's wrist and brought his hand up to touch said burning ears.

upon running his fingers along minho's left lobe, he felt the line of piercings running up it.

"times up!!" the girl interrupted, voice a little laced with surprise at whatever unraveled in front of her.

when jisung let go he was smiling, not even needing to feel the last person before being escorted back to the chair he was sitting on before.

minho was still processing what the fuck just happened, blinking rapidly to let his brain catch up and put his hand over his burning ear.

"okay, so think about your final answers." the hostess said, urging the extras off the stage to just leave minho and hyunjin together.

while jisung took his blindfold off, hyunjin suddenly grabbed minho to whisper in his ear.

"um- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???" he pulled on his arm, making minho let go of an annoyed noise and wriggle his arm lose from the sudden hold.

before he could even reply, suddenly the microphone was being presented in front of felix. "so! what's your guess?" she questioned.

felix thought for a while. he tilted his head, face contorting in thought as his struggle was presently expressed on his face. "uh.. i think number two?" he said, looking up at her.

"okay, and you?" she brought the mic up to jisung.

"number four." he said, not missing a beat.

they both looked up at her as she stood in front of them.

"and the winner iiiis~" she trailed on, making both of them stare in anticipation.

"team love-hate!!!" she announced, and instantly jisung shot up cheering.

everyone in the audience was screaming by this point, clapping and cheering too.

chan, seungmin and changbin were so caught off guard that they choked on their drinks- gathering themselves afterwards to scream on the top of their lungs.

without thinking, jisung rushed over to hug minho. "WE DID IT!! WE ACTUALLY DID IT!" he shouted, bouncing and catching minho too off guard to even wrap his arms back around jisung.

before he even had the chance to, jisung was already letting go and excitedly turning around to see the blonde girl come over to them with an envelope.

"congratulations! you two were the strongest couple on our competition! you two win the prize." she smiled, handing the prize money over which had jisung beaming.

"thanks so much!" he said, looking up at minho to see if he heard that they were the strongest.

minho seemed just as surprised over the money because no fucking way did that just happen.

no way the two of them managed to cheat into a competition and actually win it.

felix grabbed jisung and screamed, jumping up and down because he knew that technically he lost but it didn't matter. the fact that someone in their group won the prize meant that they all won.

"tell us, how were you able to tell that he was your partner? what made you so certain?" the girl asked, eyes full of admiration for the love she thought she was witnessing.

the mic was brought back in front of jisung, making the boy look up and hum, trying to recall what the signs were.

"well there were a lot of things." he said.

he turned to look at her without thinking of his words before he continued. "but his thighs stood out to me."

chan choked for another time in his seat, and the screaming had gotten even more out of control.

"ooh i see, i see~" she laughed a little, wiggling her eyebrows to the crowd before turning back to them. "well that concludes the love competition!! thanks for coming out guys!"

this entire challenge was fun for everyone honestly. it was exciting and a fun stupid little thing that gave them money in return.

and the best part? they had the rest of the festival to enjoy now.

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