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"starting now; whichever couple let's go of each other's hands will be disqualified!!"

jisung tensed, wiping his palms on his sweater that was being halfway covered by the giant jacket he was wearing. his whole body was on the borderline of a cringe while he hesitantly looked up at minho.

it seemed like the older was having the same dilemma, pausing before offering his hand out awkwardly even though his body was subconsciously moving away from the blonde on natural instinct.

jisung visibly hesitated again before slowly gripping minho's hand.

this felt wrong.

jeongin and seungmin practically howled with laughter, kicking their feet and nearly falling over while chan squealed. changbin was in the middle of taking a picture.

once their hands were clasped together, the girl hummed and went around to make sure everybody was indeed, holding hands.

minho's hand wasn't as warm as jisung expected it to be. in fact, it was cold. which made sense considering the weather right now, but still. typically minho was warmer.

his knuckles were more of a brighter red than jisung's because of his years of boxing. the tips of his fingers were red too, but that was strictly due to the weather.

as jisung observed their hands (well, mostly minho's) he suddenly felt minho move to intertwine their fingers.

his stomach jumped.

"it's harder to let go if we hold hands like this." minho explained, making jisung open his mouth for a reply that didn't even come out.

he simply shut his mouth and nodded, looking in the complete opposite direction as he laced his fingers back.

"alright! now that our love birds are holding hands, let's go onto the next challenge." the girl went up to a little bin that was in the center of the stage, taking the top off and fishing out an item.

she held up a tiny rectangular box into the air. "time for the pepero game!" she cheered, earning a scream from the audience.

jisung actually does manage a facepalm this time. the two of them would've been considered stupid if they didn't think this was coming.

"you know, i'm starting to think we should reconsider-"

suddenly there was a tug on his hand which made him tumble closer to minho, cutting off his sentence.

"we are not losing this goddamn challenge." minho's eyes were stern and only a few centimeters away from jisung's face.

his voice was hushed in a serious whisper that had jisung blinking and his neck tingling.

"if you make us lose this, i will kill you, understand?" he adds, looking at jisung as if waiting for his response to his threat.

jisung knew it was an empty one, but still he found himself nodding profusely to say he understood.

when minho stood back straight, jisung let go of a breath and tugged at the collar of his jacket that felt suffocating.

"you do realize we're going to have to do terrible things with and to each other, right?" jisung whispered, slightly convinced that minho hadn't used his brain at all.

"does it look like i care?"

jisung blinked, straightening his posture before looking away to the side again. "jeez, apparently not."

"okay, first couple step up. whoever has the largest piece of pepero left will be disqualified." she says, getting one of the chocolate covered biscuits out.

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