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if someone takes you out to get food and they're paying, it is common courtesy to obviously get the cheapest thing possible.

that's what jisung told himself, anyway.

he sat, feeling stressed because he couldn't make up his mind on what he wanted. they went to a little diner and he scanned the menu about ten times already but couldn't decide amongst the cheapest items.

it was his fourth time going through it when he heard minho sigh and reach forward.

the older shut the menu and pulled it away from jisung, making the blonde pause and look up at him in confusion.

"do you want something sweet or savory?" and even though it was a question, it sounded more demanding than one.

jisung panicked a little at the question and thought. "u-um.. both?" because both did sound good.

"k you're getting the glazed chicken sandwich then." minho pushed the menu to the side and went to look down at his own to make a decision for himself.

jisung blinked, folding his hands tensely in his lap as he looked at the boy across him. he didn't know that minho had apparently been here long enough to know what's good.

he didn't know what to say to fill the silence (which again made no sense to him considering he always had something to say).

which is why he hesitated before speaking. "wh.. what are you getting?" jisung questioned, trying to see where his eyes met the menu.

"haven't decided yet."

"so you helped me but can't decide what you want for yourself?" jisung smiled a little, finding it a little funny.

minho suddenly looked up from the menu slight annoyance. "wanna starve?"

"oh come onnnnnn." jisung stretched his arms and plucked the menu out of minho's hands. "you picked mine so i'll pick yours."

this decision made it so that jisung wouldn't have to sit in his own awkwardness, and it would also repay the act.

minho sighed deeply and rested his head against his arm on the table. "dear lord."

"what?" jisung started reading down the list again. "you don't trust me?" he questioned, pausing at one section.

"not one bit."

jisung ignored that and finally saw something that caught his interest for minho. "do you like spice?"

he looked up and minho shrugged. "i'm okay with it."

at this, jisung raised an eyebrow. "but you've never cooked anything spicy before." he commented skeptically, eyes going back to the item he was thinking about getting for him.

"because you look like you can't handle spice." minho said.

jisung took slight offense. "what's that supposed to mean?" he pouted. "that feels like an insult."

and again, minho shrugged while leaning his head to the side whilst observing the blonde with flat eyes. "it means, you seem like someone who can't handle heat." he repeated.

jisung decided to just roll his eyes and push the menu forward. "fine. you'll get the spicy chicken then. we're having a chicken day today." he stated.


jisung was surprised that minho didn't try to argue his way out of getting what he picked.

instead they placed their orders and waited, getting their drinks before their meal.

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