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after seeing the video, jisung was silent. he hadn't gone back to bother minho or even try to talk to him again.

he didn't know how to feel about the video, but decided to not think about it at all for right now.

the cold had gotten unbearable.

it was freezing, and a single jacket hadn't been much help anymore.

they had been there for maybe a a few hours already. the competition had taken up much of their day, so the sun had started to set already.

they had bought many things. many heart-shaped trinkets, many snacks and drinks, some even bought clothes or accessories.

"okay, the one thing we hadn't seen or gone on is the coaster." felix pointed ahead.

there had been some little rides for the most part so far. there was a ferris wheel but none of them had much interest in it honestly.

a rollercoaster seemed much more fun.

well, for some of them.

the coaster wasn't big, but considering the entire festival was being held outside, it didn't come as a surprise that it was located all the way towards the end.

all the boys had to put their belongings in a locker they rented out for the ride.

they all agreed that this would be the final thing they do before finally heading back home.

they all stood on the line, talking up a storm amongst each other as they waited.

while everyone else was in their own conversation, jisung looked up at the tracks. it looked high. very high.

he couldn't help but analyze every time the ride reached the peak of the drop before hurtling down. he hated heights. his palms began to sweat.

he thought how he was screwed until he saw changbin look behind him and point his finger with a laugh.

he turned around to see minho gripping onto the railing as the screams of the people on the ride boomed when they went down the drop.

"minho has a fear of heights," changbin informed, reaching over to pat the older's arm to which he denied. "it's okay, you'll be fine." he assured with a smile.

chan couldn't help but coo at this, along with felix who pouted at the sight of minho's death grip.

there was something so endearing about watching the second oldest get freaked out over something. especially minho out of all people.

felix shot over a look towards jisung, smiling over at him before motioning towards the blonde with his head. "jisung also has a fear of heights." he said to the group, making everyone lightly laugh.

"you guys don't have to get on you know." chan said, smiling reassuringly.

however jisung shook his head. "i refuse to be a quitter! plus that means i paid for a locker for no reason." he said, confidence immediately dwindling the moment they moved up in line.

the fear really settled the moment they were next to get on.

"how about you and minho sit in the back? it seems less scary from there." hyunjin suggested, pointing to the last row of the coaster.

the two didn't say anything as they hesitantly moved to the back, sitting down in the two seats that were next to each other.

jisung felt his heart beating fast as the worker brought their bar down onto their laps. instant regret seeped into his body.

he heard minho give out a line of curses under his breath as he gripped the bar tightly with his hands.

"okay everyone, sit back and wait for the ride to start." the operator smiled, and both jisung and minho wanted to punch him square in the face.

"okay this is fine." jisung sighed, taking a deep breath in only to let it go shakily.

there were no other warnings before the ride started to move. it was one big jolt forward before it began to slowly go up the steep.

they were at such an angle that nobody could even lift their heads up as they went up the slope.

BIG regret.

jisung tightly gripped the bar, his eyes squeezing shut as he began to freak out. "ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod-" he rushed, his heart beating so fast it could stop.

they were heading all the way to the top at such an agonizingly slow pace. the only thing that could be heard were the slow 'tics' of the coaster getting higher and higher.

"can you shut up?!! you're making me more nervous." minho hit jisung's arm to get him to stop repeating his panic.

but jisung couldn't help it. he had his eyes squeezed shut in fear of seeing that they were about to drop.

he was tense, his mouth repeating "oh no, oh no, oh no" over and over again, wanting nothing more than to get off.

"fuck this shit- my fucking god-" minho knew better than to look to the side. he knew if he checked, he would probably freak out from how high they were.

it felt like it was never ending. they kept on going up, and the higher they went the more internally they were freaking out.

that was until all movement stopped. when they realized that they were no longer angled up. they were sitting straight.

and it took opening their eyes to see that they were right at the top of the tracks, for panic to reach its peak.

their hearts were beating out of control. they couldn't breathe. they were up so high.

in a fit of panic, the both of them squeezed the bar tightly in front of them. if felt like their hearts were gonna burst from their throats.

fear engulfed both of them so severely. they couldn't even scream in fear of possibly making the coaster jolt forward.

it took the ride to move again- one slight movement forward- to have their hands flying towards each other, squeezing in panic and fear.

their fingers intertwined in the same way as earlier, this time not being forced. this time tighter. this time more urgent.

the feeling had the two of them momentarily pausing, forgetting about the fear that had choked up their mind and senses.

they looked down at their hands. it was warm. it was comforting. it was different from before.

it felt fuzzy, it felt weakly like fire in the back of the freezing cold. the mutual feeling of fear shot through their touch but so did the feeling of odd comfort.

their eyes met, wide and even slightly confused. big and reflecting the lights of the ride that surrounded them.

a buzz of realization came from thin air.

and suddenly there was a loud sound, ringing in their ears.

the ride jutted forward and finally dropped, the wind feeling colder and harsher as it filled their ears and crashed against their skin.

they were falling.

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