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hyunjin swore things have been getting slightly weirder between jisung and minho.

he would go to felix or chan to complain (after the party a small friend group began to sprout, and soon hyunjin was able to hang out with chan whenever he wanted) claiming that they were being strange.

felix couldn't tell what he meant, and chan just nodded with a polite smile after hyunjin tried to distinguish exactly what this phenomenon was.

it was subtle, he swore.

something so slight that he almost wasn't able to pick up on it at all.

that was until he was walking down the hall with felix getting ready to go to his next class, where he saw two familiar figures at the vending machine.

he immediately stopped in his tracks, the sentence that was in the middle of coming out of his mouth being long forgotten as his eyes focused like the lens of a camera.

he grabbed onto felix's arm, squeezing it and pointing. "SEE?! THERE." he motioned to the two he easily recognized as jisung and minho.

the blonde was holding a peach soda can in his hand while minho was in the process of picking up his drink from the bottom slot of the machine.

"SINCE WHEN DO THEY DO THAT?" he practically screamed despite his poor attempt to whisper, shaking the australian.

felix only laughed though, patting hyunjin's hand. "they're just getting a drink hyunjin. it's nothing weird." he attempted to debunk, however the brunette was stern and had fire brewing in his eyes.

he crossed his arms and shook his head, still glued onto the pair. "no, it is weird! since when does one get a drink with their enemy? makes no sense."

after this explanation, felix began to hum a line of thought, his finger coming to rest at his chin. "now that you put it like that.. it is a bit strange then." he murmured, eyes widening in realizing as he looked back at hyunjin.

"RIGHT?!?! something weird is going on!!"

without a second thought, he grabbed felix's hand and stomped over to where the two were now sipping their drinks mindlessly.

the loud steps made minho look over, lips still touching the cold can. "hey." he said, taste of grape sliding past his lips.

hyunjin gave a wide smile, maybe a little too wide, as he wrapped his arm around felix's. "haha heyy~ fancy seeing you two here." he coolly said, focus alternating between them.

"very fancy." felix echoed, nodding in agreement as jisung subtly checked the time on his phone.

"want some?" he blindly offered the can forward, momentarily making felix forget what they were there for as he brightened up and nodded with a delighted gasp.

while felix took the cold can and began sipping the peach soda, hyunjin hummed suspiciously.

"since when do you two come here together?" he questioned, voice still light yet slightly more accusing.

jisung furrowed his eyebrows for a sec before looking back down at his phone, not thinking twice about the weird phrasing.

"since never, just this once. we both got out of class and were thirsty." he explained, not catching that hyunjin was trying to point something out.

"hm. interestiiing." he nudged felix, who almost choked on the carbonation.

jisung took back the can with a little laugh, but hyunjin's eyes fell down to his wrist where he noticed jisung was wearing the beaded bracelet he bought for him during the mall trip.

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