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halloween was quickly approaching, and so were the volunteering opportunities.

granted, it's not like anyone really need volunteer hours, but felix was so set on making it this whole event.

he was so set on doing something as a group.

a few weeks had gone by since the injury incident, and that was enough to have halloween thrusted into the present.

"i signed all of us up to volunteer at the spooky festival next week!!" he said, jumping up in excitement and clapping his hands together.

everyone at the table went silent.

not to say they didn't expect felix to do something like this, but ALL OF THEM?

jeongin opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by chan's giggle. "wow, sounds exciting. what would we be doing?"

chan, being the big angel he is, was the first to encourage felix's decision. this had the australian lighting up with even more excitement.

"i signed us up all for different things!" he got out a piece of paper folded in his pocket. he smiled widely as he read it.

"minsung for the haunted house, hyunjin and i for face painting, chan and jeongin for the snack stand, and changbin for the haunted woods walk!"

after a few weeks, they all had formed a little group with each other.

jisung finally got to meet changbin, the person who minho used to always talk about when felix asked the ravenette to meet him.

hyunjin had known changbin previously, but after hearing how he let minho stay with him at the beginning of their roommate situation- jisung could tell he was a very generous person.

and strong.

the amount of times jisung caught his other friends gawking at changbin's muscles were uncountable.

they all slowly warmed up to each other.

"okay! i don't mind doing it felix." changbin smiled, making felix bat his eyes (annoyingly) and squirm around.

"hehehhee thank you binnie~ what about everyone else?" his eyes sparkled with hope.

they were at a cafe currently, minho sipping on some mango lemonade while jisung had a white mocha iced coffee thing hyunjin forced him to get.

the others got snacks rather than drinks.

hyunjin munched on the mochi he bought, tilting his head and moving his long hair from his eyes. "face painting?" he couldn't lie, that sounded fun for him.

"of course! i'd do it with you!" he said not long after, giving a thumbs up with a smile.

"i'm up for it too! might as well, i'm not doing anything usually." jeongin had also agreed.

the problem of course laid with the last two.

"why did you sign us up together?" jisung pointed, face confused and questioning. he motioned to minho (who he was sitting next to anyway) with a frown. "and why for the haunted house of all things??"

"i figured that would be the most fun." felix already had a pout on his face. he fiddled with the paper in his hands, twisting it around.

"i'm not really one for social events." minho put his lemonade down. "and i don't know how long i could survive being with this one that whole time." he motioned to jisung with his head as he spoke.

"also why did you combine our names like that?" jisung complained crossing his arms, eyebrow twitching in irritation.

"oh come on!" felix tossed the paper, hands coming down on the table in a sudden mood change. "you two don't even hate each other as much as you think you do!"

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now