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after the first initial bump involving his mother, jisung hadn't thought back to it.

in fact, he blocked out the entire thing completely.

he didn't care to think about the injury his arm healed from, he didn't care to think about the way he spoke with her and everything she said.

it was like it never happened.

it kept like that, expect for certain moments where his mind would slip.

like whenever he thinks he hears a knock at the door. he tenses slightly without realizing why.

he was subconscious and consistently happened.

whenever the people next door receive a knock, without fail he always tenses. even if just slightly.

but this time it was different.

because he didn't imagine the knock.

it was a saturday. it was the afternoon and jisung had done nothing but school work, trying to stay on track with his assignments.

haloween had long passed and it was getting colder outside.

minho had only just gotten back from work (jisung still had no idea what he did) and was already cooking dinner for the two of them.

it was weird, the routine they found themselves in.

there was a sense of normalcy despite their never ending feud towards each other.

they worked around each other's schedules, left for school at the same time, left the school at the same time, and would often find themselves conversing before their usual bickering ensues.

minho wouldn't make sure to only cook for one, and jisung would bring home leftovers if he ever went out to eat.

yet their burning hatred for each other was still there. they never once stuffed it down despite finding the other very similar to themselves. neither of them would admit that though.

"is someone knocking?"

minho's voice shook jisung out of the tense state of his body, because he now knew he did actually hear the knocks and he wasn't just staring at the door for no reason.

"oh.. yeah." he said, turning his head back to his tablet despite the uneasiness.

he heard minho's annoyed murmur at jisung's lack of action, and he turned off the stove to walk over and see who it was.

without thinking, he unlocked the door and pulled it open. there he saw a women he recognized faintly.

"is my son here..?"

jisung felt his heart shoot out of his body and his ears start ringing.

he looked over and saw his mother, standing in front of minho and looking into their dorm. she spotted him.

her eyes were tired, and she gave a painful soft smile and a wave. her eyes seeped with guilt and seemed pathetic.

"jisung.. hi honey." she walked in before minho could even process what was going on, and jisung tensed and felt his breathing deepen in fear.

"go away." his voice wavered and his attempt to mask it was fruitless. he was angry and hurt.

how dare she come back after what she did?

he was scared, but mostly just wanted to be away from her. he couldn't do this anymore.

not with her. he couldn't see her right now.

Hate me. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now