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upon stepping out of the car, a gust of cold wind smashed into all of them making them shiver momentarily.

they were wearing coats and jackets, shoving their hands in their pockets to keep warm. some had hot packets on their person to help go against the nipping cold.

"oh my gosh felix, this all looks so cute." jisung said, mouth falling open in awe as they looked around.

there were decorations everywhere, confetti littered on the floor in bright and lovely colors.

there were tents everywhere.

tents full of hot steaming food, tents full of activities, tents full of jewelry, and even tents full of clothes.

it was like a giant, glorified outdoor flea market that had much more to offer than simply just shopping.

"see?! told you guys." felix said loudly, looking over at his right to see games and activities with people crowding around it.

"can we please get something to eat?" although it set up as a question, the way seungmin said it did not sound like a suggestion. he needed food in his system. now.

so the first couple minutes of the festival was spent finding food to eat.

since there were so many stands, there were multiple options. far too many, actually.

there were bubble waffles, a ramen stand, ice cream- the options were quite literally overwhelming. and honestly everybody wanted different things.

so they all split up into groups of whoever wanted the same thing.

jisung went straight over to the waffle stand, immediately shoving his hand into his pocket to take out some money. as he got on the short line, his eyes scanned all the variations of waffle he could get.

his mouth watered as he read all the options. he didn't realize how hungry he was until now.

"you're gonna drool." a finger tapped his chin which had jisung shutting his mouth and actually swallowing. he looked next to him and saw that minho had also decided on waffles apparently.

he brought his eyes back to the menu.

after the christmas thing, jisung was able to see minho in a different light. slightly.

of course he was still obnoxious and annoying, but the gift and the little act of kindness had really touched jisung.

he can appreciate something like that, he wasn't heartless.

"what are you getting?" he asked the older, fidgeting with his fingers as he read.

"hm. dunno. probably the cookies and cream one, looks good." he settled on, briefly looking at jisung's face as the younger was trying to make a decision.

he could see the level of struggle jisung was going through, which was apparent on his darting eyes of uncertainty.

minho sighed and looked back at the chart. "why don't you get the strawberry cream one?" he briefly pointed. "seems safe enough."

jisung looked over at it, seeing the little picture of what it looked like next to it. minho was right, it did seem safe and something that he would enjoy. "okay, i'll get that one." he nodded, shivering from the cold and waiting for it to be his turn.

the two of them ordered and paid, watching their bubble waffles get made in front of them. it smelled delicious, and looked even better. they were prettily decorated and it was mouth watering.

when the two of them got their waffles, they stepped to the side to taste them.

jisung lit up, completely being captured by the burst of flavor. it was fluffy and warm enough to make him feel less cold in this weather. he hummed as he shifted his weight to the balls of his feet. "this is so good!" he exclaimed.

minho had taken a bite of his own too, pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

before minho could even say that his tasted good too, suddenly a strawberry waffle was being presented in front of his mouth.

moving away from it slightly, he felt something tug on his waffle and saw that jisung was taking a bite from his.

blinking for a moment, minho hesitantly moved to take a taste of jisung's one.

by the time jisung pulled back, he lit up even more. "ooo yours tastes good too!" he said, enamored with the flavor of chocolate.

minho chewed, nodding. "yours isn't half bad either."

before they could spend any more time in peace to eat, the two of them felt people grab onto their arms with cheerful and excited yells.

jisung nearly choked as he jumped from being startled, seeing that it was a girl around his age smiling brightly and motioning over to a tent while dragging him. "you two would be perfect!" she said, confusing both minho and jisung who were being taken god knows where.

they couldn't even process the fact they were being kidnapped until they were suddenly being sat down in chairs next to each other. they were right next to a giant tent.

"uh.. what is all of this?" minho questioned, looking extremely annoyed at the fact that his eating was disrupted.

jisung was more confused than annoyed, looking around at the people walking past them with clueless eyes.

"you two should join in the competition!" the girl who had initially grabbed minho said, smiling and clapping her hands together.

jisung and minho exchanged a look of 'what' to each other.

"what are you even talking about?"

"the couples competition! duh!"

the two of them instantly choked, being completely caught off guard and coughing at the obscurity of whatever was suggested of them.

while the two of them coughed and choked on the air, jisung's face burned red as he waved his hands frantically.

"no- it's not- we're not-" he sputtered, his face contorted in a mix of horror and mortification as he tried to recover from his loss of oxygen intake.

minho stood up from the chair, pointing between him and jisung. "you really think? how could you- absolutely fucking not." he said, getting ready to turn and leave until he saw the group running over towards them.

"there you two are!" chan said, catching up to where they were and shoving a bite size piece of chicken in his mouth. "what are you guys doing?"

felix tilted his head upon seeing jisung's face bright red and seeing him thump a fist on his chest to get his final coughs out.

seungmin looked up at the bright sign over the tent and immediately a mischievous smile found its way to his face. "oh wow." he said, amused.

"this is the couple's competition!" one of the two girls said, smiling brightly and moving her blonde hair from her shoulder.

and instantly hyunjin started screaming. "NO FUCKING WAY HAHHAHA-" he was silenced when jeongin shoved a fried oreo in his mouth.

"ohh." chan blinked, completely caught off guard like many of the others were.

"are there any other couples here?" the other girl with black hair questioned, looking amongst the group to see if anybody was holding hands. "we offer a great prize to the winning couple."

hyunjin and felix exchanged looks of interest. "prize? what's the prize?" he asked purely in curiosity.

however minho snapped his fingers to get everyone's attention again. "hello?? weren't you listening? we're not fucking togeth-"

"the prize is $600." one of the girls answered felix's question, which had everyone's eyes widening and completely making minho stop his sentence.

jisung and minho paused, eyes meeting in a look.

the line of silence was prominent until minho and jisung suddenly scooted together at the same exact time.

"we've been dating for seven years, actually."

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