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the ride went by in a heavy blur.

there was nothing to see other than bright speeding colors. there was nothing to feel except the coldness and rush of the wind- being dulled down by the warmth of hands touching.

today had just been weird. yeah, weird.

it'll all go back to normal tomorrow.

jisung pried his hand away the minute the coaster got to a standstill. it was done with, it was over.

he rushed up, taking the metal bar off of them and immediately rushing away. he was the first one off despite being sat all the way in the back.

he felt his hair tangled from the drop, and he brought a useless hand up to try and settle it down. he headed towards the lockers, faintly hearing the sounds of his friends laughing and giggling from the ride behind him.

he got to his locker, instantly getting his things out. he was ready to go home now.

he didn't know why, but he felt panicky. he felt tense and uncomfortable as if he was just told something terrible.

"hey, ji! it wasn't that bad right?" felix had gone up to him, smiling brightly and placing his hand securely on jisung's shoulder. "you look shaken up."

jisung just nodded. "yeah- it was scary. i don't feel great after riding it. should've just listened to chan." he said, voice coming out faster than usual.

he looked up at the others coming towards the lockers. upon looking at them, his eyes momentarily found minho, who was looking at him with an unreadable expression. jisung felt himself tense before he tore his eyes away faster than light.

he went past everyone and decided to wait for them outside of the locker section.


it had been weird not just today, it was realized, but things had been weird for a while.

things had been odd for a while.

the cooking, the helping each other, the comforting, the way they subconsciously looked out for each other. that was not right for an enemy.

there are certain things that aren't right for an enemy.

jisung was fuming in his head by the time they made it back to the car.

the drivers and passengers were switched up this time, but jisung didn't care to listen as he crawled into the first car he saw.

he sat next to the left window, peering out of it hoping for something interesting to catch his eye and give him something else to think about.

he was fuming because this must be some weird mind game. some weird joke that minho was trying to pull. why did minho try so hard to get in his head when it all crumbles down with fiery words?

this was all on purpose. and jisung wouldn't fall for it.

he instantly thought that this was some weird tactic for him to not hate minho anymore. to tolerate him. for the most part, jisung had been tolerating minho.

in fact, after minho helped him, he was even on good terms with him.

but if this was what minho was trying to do, just to be able to say that jisung gave up their feud first and rub it in, jisung would rather eat rocks.

he wouldn't let his pride fall enough to ever get himself to like minho, because he was certain that's what minho was trying to do. to gain another thing to make fun of him with.

the door opposite of him opened, and suddenly hyunjin was pushing minho into the car. "move over! we need to put our stuff next to you because we got way too much." hyunjin said.

"i thought i was gonna go in the other-"

"oh please! you'll survive. don't let anything fall!" hyunjin pointed to the bags before hurriedly shutting the car door to get into the other one.

oh great.

jisung moved his attention back outside the window. the car ride back would be an hour long.

he felt minho adjust next to him, pulling all the bags up so they wouldn't fall off the seat. he sighed and jisung felt his arm accident brush against his own.

he didn't move, instead still looking outside until the car started. changbin was driving and jeongin was already dozing off in the passenger side.

there was a dull sound of music boosting through the speakers- music from changbin's phone which it was connected to.

jisung recognized a few of the songs, quietly humming along to them as he looked at the other cars passing by.

after a few minutes went by, the blonde couldn't help but notice the lack of speaking or movement from the boy next to him.

so he moved to look over.

minho had fallen asleep. his head was leaned back uncomfortably against the headrest, occasionally falling forward or to the side due to the movement of the car.

he knocked out faster than jeongin.

jisung watched him. the way his head continuously moved from every numb and hole in the road. the way his mouth was open slightly because his face was in a rested expression.

jisung couldn't help the slight smile that threatened to form on his mouth. he looked so dumb.

he watched him for a while, looking down at his lap to notice that he was holding onto the corgi plushie hyunjin bought for himself. it had a heart nose and heart blush on its cheeks.

jisung looked down at the hand that sent a buzz up his arm earlier. it was wrapped around the dog plushie.

and suddenly, jisung felt himself calm down. any bit of fire inside of him slowly distinguished. soon it wasn't even as much as a sizzle.

without thinking, jisung slowly sat up straight and brought his hand up to slowly lean minho's head on his shoulder.

his head leaned carefully to the side until it met the blonde's shoulder gently. jisung leaned his head on top of the older's, preventing it from falling forward on every pothole in the road.

looking back out the window, the blur of colors passed by calmly. the music still played quietly at the front.

jeongin was still sleeping and changbin was still driving.

he felt minho relax against him, his head resting better on his shoulder as the car drove.

why had jisung even been mad?

he couldn't remember. his hands rested in his lap and he let out a deep breath, closing his eyes.

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