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getting home from the studio sucked.

it was damp, and cold, and it made even standing outside uncomfortable.

"why is it so cold..?" jisung whined, shivering at the bus stop.

"because it's november." minho flatly responded, fighting the urge to let his own teeth chatter.

"we should share our body heat." jisung shivered.

"i'm good."

jisung laughed at his response, because that was exactly what he expected minho to say.

"why don't we try to be nice to each other for the rest of today?" it was a random suggestion, but something fun to do to pass the time of waiting for the bus maybe.

minho made a face, looking down at jisung. "huh?" he questioned.

"yeah. it can't be that hard." jisung thought on what he said the second he said it. "actually, it probably is.. but still. lets just try."

they have been in a safe zone with each other lately and they both knew it was probably because of jisung's meltdown.

minho had enough heart in him to not feel like causing an excess amount of problems, and jisung saw that.

maybe that's why it felt different now.

"okay." minho said.

so again, jisung offered. "let's share our body heat."

minho looked down at jisung before playfully rolling his eyes, looking off to the side and stepping closer to the blonde so that their arms were touching.

they stood side by side, the warmth traveling up their arms and extending to the rest of their shivering bodies.

"much better." jisung hummed, clearly aching warmth the moment they got outside.

the cold felt less intense, less icy and less burning at the same time. it seemed to calm down.

they sat on the damp cold bench.

minho watched his breath cloud in front of his face on a deep exhale again. he felt his eyes suddenly feel heavy and slow.

he watched the cloud dissipate in front of his eyes before slowly shutting them and giving into the desire to have them sink shut.

the wind gently whirling around them was cold, but not as loud as it had been in the past.

still sat upright, he found peace in staying there like that. it felt like he was warming up in his jacket.

he felt something move slightly closer next to him, feeling jisung's arm dig further into his and hearing him pleasantly sigh.

"we got a lot done today." he said, taking it as a tiny victory. "we got the entire theme and sketch done."

"yeah. we can do more tomorrow. it's pretty late now." minho hadn't opened his eyes. this felt nice.

given that it was getting colder, the sun was out less and less every day.

the bus arrived and the little moment of peace was disrupted with the requirement to open your eyes to walk.

the two got on the bus and sat down, eventually getting back to their dorm.

it wasn't extremely late by the time they got home, but it was dark enough outside to make them feel like it was.

jisung yawned and stretched.

minho declared that he was going to go shower, so he grabbed a change of clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.

jisung looked at his half of the dorm. it was surely getting messy.

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