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knowing that this decision was gonna piss minho off, jisung made a little detour to the convenience store to pick up some extra snacks.

he's done it before, and he'll do it again over and over again.

he left with jellies, chocolate and two bubbly drinks. one melon and one lechee placed in the bottom of a plastic bag.

he swings it and hums the song that was faintly playing through his phone speaker in his pocket because he had forgotten his headphones.

he feels lighter.

he feels happier than normal.

from finally being free from his mother, finally finishing their project, and being able to spend time with minho, he felt like he was getting a break.

he felt like his heart was lifted.

by the time he gets home he's excited to give minho some snacks, so he unlocks the door pretty quickly and announces his presence.

"i'm home!!" he says accidentally too loudly, shutting the door behind him with his foot as he immediately scans for minho.

he instantly regrets using a louder voice because he spots minho laying on his bed surrounded by an army of stuffed animals, seemingly knocked out asleep.

jisung puts a hand over his mouth as he quietly comes inside and places the plastic bag down on the table. he looks over again, seeing his boyfriend breathing steadily as his head is rested to the other side.

opening the plastic bag, jisung decides to dig for the jellies and pulls them out quietly.

he instantly rushes to his bed to sit next to minho even if he was sleeping. he analyses the situation and realizes that there's barely gonna be any room for him with everything cluttered on his bed.

he thinks before going to pick some bigger stuffed animals up and moving them to the foot of the bed, reaching over minho as to not wake him up.

once they were moved jisung carefully went over minho to settle in the newly made spot. he plops down and goes to open the pack of jellies he bought. they were the sour kind.

he smiles once he gets it open and picks up a blue one, wasting no time to begin snacking.

the tv was running lowly already, on some random cable station where they play a bunch of adds. a professional korean voice was currently presenting the newest skin care product and jisung tilts his head at all the items being advertised.

minho must've gotten bored while he was gone.

he looks down at the older, going to pick another jelly out from the bag. he brings it down to minho's lips, nudging slightly. "gummy." he says, encouraging minho to open his mouth.

after another slight nudge minho stirs and takes the jelly into his mouth with a sharp inhale of slight consciousness. he starts to chew, rolling over onto his back with a deep sigh.

jisung smiles in satisfaction. "good?" he asks, watching the barely awake minho nod his head.

after a few seconds jisung tore his eyes away and starts watching the tv again, picking another one and eating it.

"red one." minho suddenly murmurs, eyes still closed as he angles his head towards jisung. he opens his mouth indicating he wanted another.

jisung smiles even more, looking into the bag to find a red jelly to give to his boyfriend. after he grabs it he lowers it gently into minho's mouth, feeling happy at the little hum he gives out before chewing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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