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days and days sped by like nothing. like milliseconds on end- the months changing along with it.

before anyone realized it was february already, the cold still strong and chilling to the bone.

it was very easy to get sick in this weather, so everyone made sure to be on top of their health more than usual. bundling up in large coats and jackets seemed important, along with hats and scarfs to cover ears.

jisung and minho hadn't really focused on their collaborative painting. in fact, many students hadn't really been on it.

having such an extended time period to work on it was proving to be a blessing and a curse. they simply had much more time to procrastinate.

not only that, but they still had to focus on work and all the other assignments they had from their classes. truth be told, they weren't really focused on the painting at all.

they were currently focusing on their assignments next to each other in silence before felix came up running from no where and busted their door open.


being used to his outbursts and extreme levels of excitement, neither of them even blinked an eye. "hey felix." jisung murmured, too caught up with trying to figure out the answer to the question he was stuck on.

felix flew in, spinning over and flinging an arm over jisung and squeezing a little too close to his neck which made him cough.

"do it felix, choke him out." minho said, despite his own eyes being glued to his question he was trying to figure out too.

jisung playfully rolled his eyes at the remark before finally looking away from his papers. he looked up and sighed fondly, patting felix's arm. "what is it felix? what did you find this time."

already knowing this was going to be about some sort of event he found, jisung was not surprised when the freckled boy held up a flyer.

it was red and pink all over, decorated with hearts and glitter. "it's a love festival!! how cool is that? i've never heard of something like that before! we all should go!!" he said.

jisung couldn't help but let his expression fall flat, as he grabbed the glittery poster and started reading it.

"love, hearts, and treats. enjoy a festival in honor of the loveliest month there is." he read, voice deadpan and deprived from any emotion. "lix, respectfully, i think i'll pass." he shoved the paper back into the younger's hand.

felix gasped loudly, his hands flailing in protest. "WHAT? whyyy??" he questioned, turning to look over at minho in disbelief of jisung's refusal.

"that just sounds like something people in love go to. and in case you forgot, nobody in our group even has a significant other." he crossed his arms, truly not caring to go.

however minho cupped a hand over his mouth to whisper something to felix. "he just doesn't wanna be surrounded by couples cause it'll remind him how lonely he is." he said, making felix put a hand over his mouth to giggle.

immediately jisung turned to shoot a look over. "last time i checked you also don't have a significant other." he shot, and minho just shrugged.

"that's by choice."

"sure, that's what they all say."

"GUYS. are we going or not???" felix held the poster back up, nearly hitting jisung in the face with it as he pointed to writing on the bottom. "see?? it says that it's 'fun for singles!' this isn't a date thing! it's just a festival for crying out loud!"

jisung and minho exchanged looks of disinterest as they thought about their answer.

"there's gonna be food."

the look diminished. "okay."


felix had managed to convince everyone to go to this 'love' festival.

it wasn't supposed to strictly be a valentine's day thing since it was going on before the actual holiday and even branched on afterwards. it was a 'love month celebration' felix said, whatever that meant.

so when everyone got spammed a random day by felix and was torn from their sleep, they woke up seeing messages stating that today was the day they were all gonna go.

it had worked out with everyone's schedule- but still nobody had any idea what the hell a festival like this would even entail. none of them have heard of something like this.

they decided to split into two cars to drive an hour out to this random location felix gave them.

in chan's car was jisung, seungmin, jeongin, and in changbin's car was minho, hyunjin, and felix.

no one understood why getting up so early was necessary. majority of them ended up falling asleep in the car (of course except lix because he had been so excited that he couldn't sleep).

everyone knew they had arrived the moment they saw heart balloons leading to where the main section was- music playing everywhere with red streamers everywhere.

"oh wow." chan said, driving slower to look at all the decorations. "this looks very nice actually- felix might've found a really good one again." he smiled, as everyone else in the car looked out the window.

"i hope they have good food here." seungmin sighed, hand over his stomach which had been growling majority of the drive. "i'm hungry."

"oh yeah we better find food fast then. seungmin gets so pissy when he's hungry, it's not fun." jeongin announced, making jisung snort at the image of a puppy with fire in his eyes.

"oh shut up what do you know?" seungmin went to poke jeongin's eyes but the younger prevented him and stuck his tongue out.

"you two are the hell mix." jisung said, shivering at the thought of the two of them joining forces for literally anything.

in the other car, felix and hyunjin were beaming. they were grabbing each other, shaking each other by the shoulders in excitement as they saw more and more of the event as they drove to find parking.

"maybe we can find you a bae minho~" changbin turned into the parking area, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"maybe we can find a way to make you shut up." minho had been looking out the window with his hand on his chin.

changbin would've shot over a dirty look had he not been driving. "what we talk about being a grumpy pants? should i get a spray bottle?"

hyunjin raised his hand instantly. "i agree with that suggestion!"


hyunjin shut up.

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