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"i'm hoome." jisung sighed as he opened his dorm room door, slumping in and immediately kicking off his shoes. he never expected to get a welcoming in return, his roommate was always quiet anyways.

jisung yawned, feeling tired and beat from this very long, mess of a day. he let go of a deep sigh, closing the door behind him and walking inside.

he rubbed his eyes with one hand, tossing his bag over to his bed and looking over to his roommates bed. he paused to see him there, with something green and goopy covering his entire face.

they made direct eye contact.

"um.. what is that..?" jisung pointed, finally breaking the awkward silence of just staring at each other.

his roommate only held up a bowl with the substance in it. "a face mask. want some?" he offered, munching on a cucumber slice that jisung was more than positive was supposed to go over his eyes.

the blonde shook his head with a little smile. "no, i'm good. thank you though." he politely denied, going to get a change of clothes and heading to the bathroom.

he flicked on the light and got out a cotton swab along with makeup remover. he sighed again, looking at his reflection and scanning the way he looked.

his mind went back to what minho said in the library, and suddenly he felt mad again. he grumbled before drowning the cotton swab in the remover, aggressively scrubbing at his own face to get rid of the makeup.

why did he have to open his mouth??? he should've just ignored minho to be honest. but why the hell did he have to go to this college, out of all places?

it hardly seemed fair.

jisung wanted to drown himself.

after his face was clean from the remains of makeup, he put everything away and stripped himself free from the clothes he was wearing to change into a t-shirt and shorts.

he wanted to go to sleep and dream of a perfect life, without having to deal with people he didn't like.

and that's exactly what he did.


"good morning class." ms. jang welcomed all her students with a small wave.

it was the next day, and jisung didn't feel as anxious as he first did anymore.

he sat all the way in his corner seat, eyes sometimes flickering over to the opposite end of the room where minho was sitting to see if the older was shooting glares at him like jisung expected.

sometimes he swore he would catch the older looking darkly at him, but then again, jisung likes to imagine things sometimes.

"i wanted to let you guys know that we will be doing partner work from time to time. so we're going to be opening up that window today. i will allow you to pick your partners today to work on a collaborative sketch." ms. jang explained.

oh god. partner work. jisung could die.

"it can be anything! no guidelines on this one. so everyone, go pick a partner!"

jisung looked around from where he was sitting a little nervously.

those around him had already began partnering up, and jisung felt his palms begin to get clammy. the urge to pick at his cuticles was strong, but he fought against it.

he stood up to look around some more for someone who seemed nice enough to approach, until he felt a gentle hand tap his shoulder.

"hey, do you need a partner?"

jisung turned around and was nearly startled from this boy's looks alone.

holy shit he is so pretty

jisung smiled a little, feeling his racing heart calm down again. "oh- yes please. i'm han jisung." he greeted.

this was the boy with long hair he had noticed yesterday.

he had pretty eyes, and very pretty lips. actually, he had a very pretty everything. he looked like a painting himself.

"i'm hwang hyunjin. nice to meet you!" the boy smiled, extending his hand politely for jisung to shake.

which he did, still a little shy, but thankful that he was able to find a partner.

the two of them sat down next to each other. "so, what should we create?" hyunjin asked as jisung brought out his sketchbook from his bag that was decked out with pins and stickers.

"hm.. i'm not sure. what are you feeling? what do you like drawing?" jisung asked, flipping to a clean page in his sketchbook for the two of them to work on.

hyunjin hummed a bit. "well, i like drawing lovey-dovey scenes. i love drawing love." he laughed at his own sentence, then motioning to jisung himself.

"what do you like drawing?" he asked, tilting his far too pretty head to the side.

and jisung fumbles a bit, playing with the pencil in his hands. "oh.. i like drawing dreamy surreal pieces i guess.." he explained, not really sure how else to say it.

and hyunjin coos. "that's nice! you're a bit shy, aren't you?"

"excellent observation." jisung joked a little, earning a small laugh from hyunjin, who patted his arm.

"at least i got a joke out of you. well, what can we do that displays both of that?" hyunjin asked, looking at the perfectly blank piece of paper in the sketch book.

and jisung hummed a bit as he thought.

"well.. how about you draw a sketch of a couple dancing? ooo and i can make them dancing on the palm of someone's extended hand? like they're being held and supported by an external force!.. if you're okay with that idea." he quickly added.

and hyunjin seemed to absolutely love that.

"hell yeah! that's totally my style. okay, really quick let me start drawing the couple."

hyunjin slid the sketchbook closer to himself, beginning to draw. his lines were light and gentle, and jisung couldn't help but stare a little.

he began blocking in the basic shapes of the dancing couple. and then he spoke.

"you know, you don't nearly seem half as bad as what i heard." hyunjin's sentence completely hit jisung's brain like a brick.

the blonde blinked, a little confused.

"..what?" he questioned, suddenly feeling a little taken aback.

however hyunjin gave him a slight smile, showing that he really was there to make jabs at jisung directly. "take a guess on who i'm friends with in this class."

ah, okay.

"minho?" jisung asked, and wanted to roll his eyes the moment hyunjin nodded his head. he looked over to where the ravenette was, who was partnered up with some random girl to do the assignment.

jisung glared at him even though he wasn't looking over.

"but don't worry, i'm judging you for who you are right now. not from the things he told me." hyunjin easily explained, pencil marking up the page some more.

jisung deflated against the desk. "well.. what did he say about me?" the nosy part of him wanted to know, but the other side of him knew it wasn't wise to ask.

"well i've been his friend since high school. i know a basic gist of what there is to know, not a lot. but only his side of things." hyunjin said, erasing a bit of the sketch that he didn't like.

"his side..?" jisung repeated, earning a nod.

"there's two sides to everything." hyunjin shrugged. "but believe me, he's gonna give me shit for partnering up with you." he snickered.

jisung wanted to body slam minho even more. "so why did you partner up with me?"

hyunjin gave him another smile. "i like how you look. also, it's super fun to piss minho off."

jisung truly could not help the snort that left his mouth.

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