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although they all were excited about the win, it felt very fun and peaceful walking around after the challenge.

they all had gotten even more food, some ramen in the little cups to help them with the freezing cold.

there of course was discussion about the entire thing, mainly the four in the audience asking questions over the whole ordeal and gossiping amongst themselves.

apparently the find by touch thing had really entertained them and brought up MANY questions and concerns.

"i still don't understand how grabbing minho's wrists would've helped him figure it out." chan shook his head, wondering if he himself could find one of his friends in such a way.

"there are more important questions here. JISUNG ON TOP?? HELLO???"

jisung cut changbin off with an uncomfortable gurgle, hitting his arm hard and pouting at the misunderstanding.

"i told you guys!! it wasn't like that." he said, looking into his ramen cup and moving around the noodles with his chopsticks.

"considering you grabbed his wrists to see if it felt familiar indicates that you've been in that position before. literally in what other situation would you be GRABBING him like that??" seungmin questioned, eyeing the blonde suspiciously.

"i've already explained!!" jisung furiously complained. "we were fighting once and i tried pinning him down to get him to apologize." he murmured, nearly stabbing through the foam ramen cup.

"so you say." jeongin snorted. "but when is it ever normal to pin someone down for an apology?" he slurped up some of his broth.

"you underestimate how pissed off we make each other." jisung finished the last of his noodles and tossed his trash in a garbage can they were passing by.

they looked around some more, seeing some heart shaped lights blink and twinkle.

they stopped a few times at stands to buy things.

shivering slightly in his jacket, jisung looked around at all these pretty set ups and decorations.

he looked to his left to look at one of the tents that had a bunch of little trinkets on display, but in the process his eyes landed on minho who was right there. he had been simply eating and walking in silence this whole time.

halting his walking, jisung slowed down so he ended up next to the older. "soo.." he trailed off, noticing the way minho didn't even bat an eye at his presence as he continued walking.

"what's up?" he said, feeling a little odd talking to minho. not odd in the usual way.

minho snorted a little, as if he found something slightly funny or entertaining. he took another bite of his food, ignoring the question entirely.

jisung blinked and subconsciously tilted his head. "what?" he asked, confused.

minho continued to look down at his food, taking his chopsticks and chewing on the bite he had in his mouth.

"so my thighs stand out to you?" he drawls sharply, not even bothering to look at jisung to consider him as a person yet.

the sentence sounded so condescending coming out of his mouth.

and the blonde froze. he stoped walking to allow his brain to process the sudden accusation thrown his way.

his blush reacts faster than his mouth.

his entire face grows red under a matter of seconds and he's realizing that he's getting left behind which has him rushing back next to minho.

"i-i didn't- i just meant it like-"

"no, just thought it was funny." the older shrugs, tossing his now empty container into another trash can they were passing by. "it's almost like you have a death wish, is all." he simply said, making jisung nervously laugh at the oddly familiar statement.

"no- it's just that you have.. very uh-."

"i have what?" he questioned, side-eyeing jisung as they continued to walk.

"your thighs are just.. powerful okay?!" jisung blurted crossing his arms, looking the other way. "jeez, i'm not allowed to say you have thick thighs or something? that's just how your appearance is. not my fault."

however when a hand prevented him from walking forward, jisung stopped and looked at minho with confusion.

"why were you looking?" minho challenges, his eyes narrowing and a patronizing smile present on his lips as he awaited an answer.

jisung was at a loss for words.

"you gawk at my thighs? is that it?" the grip on jisung's arm fell, but it felt like it was still there.

"ugh! that's.. not true!" jisung shot back, forcing his legs to work so he could actually walk forward. "of course you would act like this even after i made us win." he mumbled, rolling his eyes hard.

"did you carry me?"

"no- but i could've-"

"were you the one who made us win the pepero game?"


"i do have to admit though." minho cut him off again. "i'm surprised at your boldness to touch me like that." he said, making something twist in jisung's stomach.

"stop trying to make me nervous." he immediately shot down, pushing into his side with his arm kind of harshly. "we won because we both did something." he said.

minho eyed him up and down, despite jisung looking forward now in annoyance. he gives a nod, shrugging. "yeah, we did."

he looked away. "guess we're the strongest couple."

jisung looked off to the side. "i guess we are."

minho walked ahead, catching up to changbin who had been in the middle of a conversation. jisung idly followed with his eyes, watching the way minho interacted and spoke with the other.

suddenly something warm met his arm. jisung pried his eyes away to meet with felix, who had pressed his arm against him as they walked.

"i wouldn't let his teasing get to you." felix suddenly said, as if he heard some of the conversation.

"huh?" jisung raised an eyebrow, looking down at felix. "why?"

felix reached in his pocket, taking out his phone. he went to his messages, opening a text between he and changbin.

he opened it, clicking on a video sent and enlarging it. it was a video of the find by touch challenge.

felix turned the phone towards jisung. "because he was blushing."

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