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"being friends with minho is like being friends with a cat." hyunjin had began to go off on a tangent about minho, making jisung listen intensely.

as if he was being read more material to use to blackmail the other if needed.

"he's not an affectionate person in the slightest, as i bet you can tell." hyunjin joked, sliding the sketchbook to jisung for him to do his part.

"trust me, i can tell." jisung mumbled, beginning to sketch out an extended hand for this little assignment.

"truth be told, i kinda wanted to see what you were like for myself." hyunjin hummed, making jisung feel a little more intimidated under his gaze.

"i feel like i'm being intensely observed for a job position now.." he said, making hyunjin giggle but shake his head.

"noo don't think that! i was just a little curious is all. actually, minho doesn't talk about you a lot. just a bit when we were growing up, and yesterday when you two saw each other." hyunjin explained, making jisung pause.

"..really? that surprises me. i was certain he would be constantly shit talking me." he mumbled.

hyunjin shook his head, humming a bit. "in general, he tends to keep things to himself. he barely ever talks about his feelings, even to his friends. so it's not very out of character for him to not shit talk." he explained, causing jisung to give a nod.

"but you're really cute. it's a shame you and minho don't get along, i would love to have you in my friend group." hyunjin nudged the blonde with his knee.

and even though it wasn't necessarily a nice statement, it made jisung start to feel all fuzzy inside. he would've been welcomed in a friend group.

he smiled to himself as he continued to make lines on the paper. "thank you. i would've appreciated that." he said.

jisung kinda made a friend.

granted, minho's friend, but still a friend nonetheless.

after a few more minutes, the collaborative sketch was done.

jisung held it up in front of them, eyes scanning over the quickly completed piece. and to be quite honest- he was glad it was his sketchbook they used because he really liked it.

"we did a good job!" hyunjin clapped, making jisung giggle and nod his head in agreement.

"I actually love it!" jisung agreed, finding himself to be incredibly happy to have someone to talk to now in this class.

"here, give me your number so we can chat some more. or so we can discuss assignments for this class too." hyunjin fished his phone out of his pocket, sliding it in jisung's hand.

the blonde set down the sketchbook, nodding his head and taking the device to put his phone number inside it.

after he entered it and typed in his name, he gave the phone back to hyunjin, who smiled upon seeing it. "perfect!" he said, lifting up his fist to give a celebratory fist-bump for their first completed assignment in class.

"alright class, you have about ten more minutes to finish your piece! i'll be going around to see them." ms. jang said excitedly, as if she absolutely could not wait to see everyone's work.

jisung looked around, seeing how many students had already finished just like he and hyunjin had.

"well, i'm going to go gather my things together for when class ends. it was nice working with you jisung. hopefully we can hang out sometime." again, his smile was truly unreal.

jisung nodded his head. "thank you..! it was really nice meeting you hyunjin." he thanked, earning another coo from the taller.

"aww of course~ anytime!" and with that, hyunjin made his way back to his original seat with all his things.


it was a significantly better day.

a huge part of this was due to the lack of contact jisung had with minho today.

it was sad but true.

they hadn't spoken a word since their first interaction yesterday, and that's exactly how jisung would've liked it to stay.

jisung went straight home this time, setting his things down on his desk and kicking off his shoes before diving into his welcoming bed.

his roommate was in his class now, so the blonde had the whole dorm to himself.

he sighed happily, pulling his body pillow close to him and wrapping his legs around it like a koala. he nuzzled against the pillow, thinking about how he could surely fall into a nap right then and there.

right as he began dozing off though, a loud ping from his phone startled him up.

he shot up, hand over his heart as he gasped in air dramatically, getting up to retrieve his phone.

he dug in the bag he tossed on the desk, picking out the device that pinged again. he looked at the notification, eyes going wide at who it was.

???: heyyy! it's hyunjin!
are you awake right now?

jisung stared at the text taken aback, slowly typing in hyunjin's contact before deciding to reply.

jisung: hey! yes i'm awake

hyunjin: i was wondering if you'd like to meet for some coffee? there's a cute coffee shop just off campus.
i can send you the location if you're up for it!

jisung didn't mean to reply so fast, or to sound so eager. but his fingers were too excited to stop typing the moment he read over hyunjin's text.

jisung: yes! i'm up for it! ofc!!

he cringed right after he hit send, face feeling slight warm in embarrassment- thinking that he should've been more cool about it instead of just blurting out like that. however hyunjin didn't seem to mind it.

hyunjin: hehe cute
okay then! here's the location!
~link attached~

jisung felt his face warm up with even more embarrassment, but he clicked on the location. it wasn't far at all, it was in walking distance.

jisung had to prevent himself from spamming the group chat that he made a friend, and how this friend wanted to hang out with him already. it truly felt too good to be true.

so, excitedly, jisung shoved his decorated wallet in his pocket and zoomed out the apartment, making sure to leave a note to his nameless roommate that he was going to be out for a while.

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