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jisung looked down at his drink.

even though the cat latte art was smiling at him, it only seemed to dampen his mood even more. he heard hyunjin sigh and dip his head down.

"i'm sorry jisung. i should've told you. i just thought if you two got to know more about each other, then you guys would start to get along or something." hyunjin pouted, playing with the straw of his drink.

however jisung just smiled and shook his head. "no, don't worry it's okay. i understand." he kindly said, trying to make hyunjin feel better.

the brunette smiled a little, leaning on his hand as he looked at jisung. "you know, you really are sweet. i just don't understand why the hell you two hate each other so much. i don't get it." he sighed.

"well.. we never really got the chance to be friends when we were younger.. we were just forced around each other i guess." he took a sip of his latte.

hyunjin nodded, very intensely listening.

"i had some... parental issues. and minho's mom was best friends with my mom, so when she found out she took care of me a lot." jisung cut a lot of it short, simplifying the entire thing.

"that's why i saw minho a lot growing up.. we never became friends though. we never used to even try to talk to each other. but on the rare occasions where we did, we fought."

hyunjin nodded, humming and listening to everything jisung had to say. "well.. what did you guys fight about?"

this question actually made jisung think for a bit. he hadn't thought about that in a while, so the question actually did stump him.

he stirred away the little cartoon cat that was still smiling up him in his latte. "hm.. i can't remember. all i know is that our last argument was a big one. i was twelve? and he was thirteen. that's when i stopped going over."

hyunjin nodded his head slowly. "so once you were able to take care of yourself?"

hearing it so straight up make jisung's heart ache a little at the unfixed wound there. but he nodded. "yeah, long story short." he said.

but still, hyunjin was a very nosy person. and a very curious one at that. so he scooted closer to jisung.

"but haven't you ever wanted to be his friend?"

being asked that made a sad feeling quickly ping through jisung. but just for a second.

he clearly remembered how badly he wanted to become minho's friend when his mother first started taking care of him.

when he first saw minho in the middle of winter- the night his own mother drank so much that she became blind to her own actions.

the very start of a terrible line of things she would do.

the first night minho's mother swooped in to young jisung's rescue.

the first time he'd ever seen those dark eyes, attached to the six year old dark haired boy with a blue blanket wrapped around him to shield him from the cold.

jisung wanted a friend. he hoped for it.

but he was too anxious to ever try. and that progressed into something that was too late to take back. because he soon realized that the window for friendship was molded shut.

"yeah." jisung found no point in lying. after all, he already told hyunjin more than he should've.

"i really wanted to actually. i thought he was cool. i also saw how he never had friends over so that only made me wanna be his friend more." jisung could not recall the last time he ever used the word 'cool' to describe minho.

hyunjin let go of a snort. "that's true. he has a hard time making friends, even now. just as you said."

and for the first time in a long, long time, jisung felt a tinge of guilt from the words he let leave his mouth earlier.

"that's something that actually frustrates him a lot. but it's true. and he knows it." hyunjin leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his drink before continuing.

"even his close friends aren't even that close to him, and that includes me. i only know as much as i do about him cause i pry and i'm nosy." he explained with a shrug.

"but he's so naturally outwardly cold that it intimidates people. they stay away from him. but the fact that he's hot made people in high school form this stereotype around him that he was the quiet and mysterious type. so in that sense; he was extremely popular. especially with the girls."

jisung blinked at this.

"but that's just how it is, i guess. i was hoping that something beneficial would happen here for the both of you, but i was wrong haha." hyunjin pushed forward his now empty mug.

"i appreciate you trying to help." jisung patted hyunjin's arm with an appreciative smile. "but let's just leave it as it is."

hyunjin looked at him with a passive look, but all he did was give a little distant hum in response.

he then suddenly straightened up to go into his bag and take out his wallet. "this one's on me!" he said, opening the pink wallet to take out a twenty.

"oh! wait no- you really don't have to-"

"shh." hyunjin brought a finger up, shushing him. "it's for the emotional damage." he said, slapping the bucks on the table.

"now come on, let's go walk!"

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