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when minho got home he expected to see jisung still in the spot he left him in.

so when he walked inside and looked over to the bed, he was surprised to see it empty.

he paused for a second before walking inside and shutting the door behind him.

he looked around, seeing that nothing else was out of place or anything. nothing was taken from the kitchen, the leftovers from the last time minho cooked being still on the table untouched.

minho turned on the lights and placed down his bag to the side, slipping off his shoes and finally looking up to the door of the bathroom.

it was slightly open. light was peeking through the crack of it.

he heard something inside, it was hard to make it out but minho wasted no time in approaching figuring that his roommate was inside.

he pushed it open slightly; sure enough seeing jisung standing in front of the sink.

he was struggling with a role of bandages- arm that was hurt extended out in front of him as he tried to wrap up the dark blotch which looked worse.

maybe it was supposed to help him not bend his arm, or avoid direct contact with other things around him that he could bump into.

because it was clear the blonde wouldn't be able to bend his arm without it hurting.

the bruise was placed at the side of his elbow, branching towards the inner side with its dark purple color.

tears were in his eyes as he winced and held the base of the roll between his teeth while he used his other hand to try to wrap it efficiently.

there was no telling how long he had been there, but it's was clear he was frustrated as his hand trembled.

letting go of a sigh, minho fully pushed open the door and walked inside, catching jisung off guard as he yelped- looking at minho through the reflection of the mirror with wide watery eyes.

without saying a word, minho snatched the roll of bandages from jisung's teeth and hand, undoing a line of it while jisung just stared at him.

it was like he didn't understand what the older was doing until he came closer and began wrapping the disgustingly large bruise on his arm for him.

jisung stared at him, something deep inside of him becoming even more frustrated and somewhat embarrassed. mortified that this was his situation, and that minho out of all people had to be here doing this.

so even though it hurt, jisung snatched his arm away and out of the wrapping of the bandage. "don't touch me." his voice lowly wobbled, eyes and voice sharp.

the eye contact made was toxic, but minho simply pulled him closer, not entertaining his harsh request.

"you wouldn't be able to fucking wrap it by yourself even if you wanted to." he said, taking the bandage again and applying to jisung's forearm like he was previously.

jisung went to pull his arm away again, until minho's other hand went to his shoulder and he squeezed slightly. "stay fucking still." he said, letting go after jisung didn't attempt to squirm away.

there he stood, still and eyes tired from crying. they were glued down to his arm as minho slowly wrapped it up.

his eyes stung and his neck went flush from embarrassment but he didn't say a word. not a single word as minho worked his way up and eventually covered the entire thing.

he couldn't bend his arm. it was known to anyone who looked at it for even a second that he wouldn't be able to.

when it was done, minho tore the line of bandage with his teeth (the scissors were missing and he didn't care to bother) so he could wrap the end around the arm.

when all was said and done, jisung let his arm fall to his side, seeming to be completely drained.

"felix wants to know what happened." minho secured the roll in his hands as he went to put it back. "he's worried." he said, crouching down to put the bandage under the sink.

"tell him nothing happened." jisung said, briefly looking at his reflection in the mirror before turning away.

"he won't believe that."

"make him believe it." jisung walked out of the bathroom, going to sit down on his bed and not even bother going to his phone.

"he'll only ambush you the next time he sees you." minho flatly warned. "why did she do that to you?" maybe he could've approached it better, because jisung was looking at minho as if he were insane.

to hear him say it so forward like that. to actually address it.

"minho, leave me alone." he pushed, voice louder than before and far more serious this time.

"you know you aren't gonna be able to let this go. felix is serious."

"so then why are you talking to me about it right now?" jisung eyed him.

"if any person on this planet saw what i did they would have questions too, jisung." the sudden direction to his name made the blonde look at minho again, sighing and letting his shoulders fall.

he glanced down at his arm. it was his right one. how was he gonna draw for the next couple days? or do anything for that matter.

"she was fine one second, then wasn't later on." jisung murmured, not making any sort of eye contact.

minho leaned against the frame of his bed, yet not sitting down. "what does that mean?" he questioned.

minho's voice was interesting.

it wasn't full of pity or sympathy like jisung was so used to hearing constantly every single time this topic was brought up. he wasn't tiptoeing around him.

he asked his questions how they were. like he was expecting direct answers back in return.

and for some reason that did make jisung wanna just say it. "she went into the other room and when she came back she was different. don't know if she took a drug or drank- or what."

it was ironic.

the conversation the two of them had barely lasted for an hour, yet he was gone for five.

they talked about her substance abuse and she cried about how desperately she wanted to get better.

how she wanted to try but it was so hard.

after a little crying session involving the both of them, she got up and apologized a few times over and over again before going into the other room for a while.

when she came back she was stumbling and it was clear she wasn't present in her mind anymore. jisung should've known better than to say anything about it.

he knew he should've just left and never spoken to her again.

but for some reason the way she got up and did it when she was trying to 'reconnect' with him and claim how badly she wanted to stop- it hurt more than jisung expected.

it made him feel shocked and angry- a mix of emotions as he considered if this really happened.

he knew how she normally got- and that's why he got injured. truth be told, he couldn't even remember how it happened.

"long story short i got hurt." he lightly ran his hand over his injured arm, eyes looking at the mattress as his voice went quiet.

"so she hit you." it sounded more like a confirmation.

"whatever." jisung felt something come over him rolled over to his side, feeling his eyes sting with hot frustration as he pulled the blanket higher on his body.

he wished minho would just disappear and never speak to him again about this.

he never wants to speak ever again.

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