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the next day was exhilarating to say the least.

everyone had expected minho and jisung to be fighting after last night. whatever that was.

no one really knew what was going on between the two of them at the party, but it was clear as day that jisung had at least been pissed.

chan alerted everyone that they needed to be on their best behavior and not pry, in fear of one of them possibly exploding at someone else.

which is why it was completely fair to be caught off guard when the two of them walked into class practically glowing.

they walked into class like nothing. jisung smiling as he said something to minho, who leaned down slightly to hear it better, captivated.

hyunjin, who happened to look over at just the right time, nearly had his eyes falling out of his skull from seeing minho softly smile at the blonde as the two of them sat down- arms immediately pressing against each other like magnets.

minho says something back which hyunjin isn't able to pick up on with his lip reading skills, but jisung is laughing a little and lightly nudging against the older.

alright, his attention is caught. now he must go over.

hyunjin stands up from his seat in amazing speed and starts immediately walking over.

"hey guys!!" hyunjin couldn't help but greet them enthusiastically as he hopped over. he smiled and wriggled himself between them, sitting on the table so he could face them both.

he didn't realize how sudden him shoving himself between them must've been, because jisung jumped and released a startled noise.

in the same time minho had been shoved over to the side he immediately looked up at the perpetrator.

"oh sorry, did i scare you?" hyunjin laughed a little from seeing jisung put his hand over his heart.

"where did you come from?" the blonde asked, calming his heart down and blinking hard from the scare.

hyunjin frowns with furrowed eyebrows, drastic but not serious. "i'm in this class too you know." he retorts before turning his head over to look at minho.

when he does, minho is already looking at him. signature flat eyes and all.

hyunjin hums as he observes, bringing a hand to his chin and leaning in closer just to stress the fact he's indeed analyzing him.

"hmm." he raised an eyebrow and leaned in even closer dramatically.

jisung brought a soft hand to press against hyunjin's shoulder silently.

"hmmmm. just as i thought." hyunjin allows himself to be lightly pushed back to his spot. "you guys don't seem to be fighting. you two look happier than ever."

this has minho scoffing slightly in amusement. "what are you talking about?" he questions emptily.

"well obviously last night." hyunjin explains like it's the most obvious thing in the entire world. "you two were fighting." he looks over at jisung who immediately shifts in his spot and adverts eye contact awkwardly.

thankfully minho always knew when to step in. "you weren't even awake last night." he quips, raising an eyebrow. "how would you know?"

hyunjin opens his mouth for a reply but it seems that stumped him a little because he closed his mouth to think. "well.. true but i heard." he quickly recovered.

minho's resolve stays the same. "we didn't tell you anything though." he says.

"not from you, obviously, the others."

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