Chapter 01: New Earth

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The Doctor and Rose had just landed on the planet New Earth in the galaxy M87 in the dimension of A176. It was the year five billion and twenty three, allowing them a view of a high tech city with flying cars. They were talking about how humans came to the planet. "Can we go and visit New New York, so good they named it twice?" Rose asked as they got to their feet from laying in the apple grass.

"Well, I thought we might go there first." the Doctor said as he pointed towards an elegant pair of curved skyscrapers standing apart from the city on their side of the river.

"Why, what is it?" Rose asked in confusion, not understanding what he meant. 

"Some sort of hospital. Green moon on the side. That's the universal symbol for hospitals. I got this. A message on the psychic paper." he explained as he pulled out his paper to show her the message that said, 'Ward 26 Please Come'. "Someone wants to see me."

"Hmm. And I thought we were just sight-seeing. Come on, then. Let's go and buy some grapes." the blonde smiled. But it quickly fell when they heard a strange sound from beside them. They looked over to see a circular blue and purple portal like object appear out of thin air.  Then, suddenly, a strikingly beautiful woman walked out from the portal while looking down at her watch with great concentration. In her leg holster was a strange gun like object. Her clothes indicated that she had been traveling for quiet a while on foot.

She then looked up at them with a bored expression, then rolled her eyes. "Yes, I'm a goddess. No, you can't worship me. Yes, I can do magic. No, I won't tell you my name. Yes, you can leave me alone." She then licked her finger and held it up in the air, checked her watch, nodded, then walked pass them in the direction of the hospital. 

Rose looked at the Doctor with furrowed brow of confusion, then followed after him as he chased the mysterious girl down. "Who are you?" he asked immediately.

"I'm just passing through. Here to visit an old friend. More like old headache. But I helped him out when he got stuck in the 1800s one time on the original planet Earth of this dimension, so, what ever." she rambled with a shrug. 

"Okay, then. What are you?" he reiterated with a frown, not liking how she blatantly avoided saying her name. 

"Don't really know anymore. I'm just kinda here. Been knocking about. Just stopped by D185 on the planet Parblesnops, had to steal the great seeing stone for a couple of kronenbergs. It was pretty awesome." she said nonchalantly as she checked her watch again, then tapped on the glass. He then noticed her watch had five different time zones within the confines of the protective glass. The more she talked the more he became confused as to who she truly was. No one talked like that, except for him of course. But she sounded mad even to him. Never before had he heard of the planet Parblesnops or even heard of kronenbergs. What she meant by D185, he may never know. 

He then walked next to Rose as the woman walked a bit ahead. "Who or what is she?" she quietly asked, not sure if they should trust someone so obviously outlandish. 

The Doctor shrugged with a serious expression, "No idea. But I think we should keep an eye on her. Just in case." he muttered back. He then looked back at the woman walking in front of them, "So, who are you here to visit?"

She shrugged, "Like I said, an old friend. He should be in Ward 26." she answered without care. It wasn't like she'd ever see these people again. "Why are you going to the hospital?"

He watched her carefully, "I didn't say I was."

She then rolled her eyes, "It's obvious by your body language, the fact that you were facing towards that particular building and you are currently following me to the same location. So, why are you going there as well?" 

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now