Chapter 146: The Sontaran Stratagem

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When God said, "Let there be light!", Chuck Norris said, "Say please."

When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on. He turns the darkness off.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

🤣🤣🤣 srry, i had to share lmao


After the Tardis materialized and was properly parked, both Echo and her Doctor stepped out to find the awaiting Martha. "Magnificent Martha Jones." she said happily and immediately moved forward to pull her into a loving hug.

They then parted to allow her the chance of embracing the Time Lord as well. "You haven't changed a bit." he said happily.

"Neither have you." she replied just as enthusiastically, her beautiful smile on full display.

"How has your family been? I hope they've been able to cope to the best of their abilities." Echo said, hoping for a positive response.

Martha nodded, "They're doing better, but still recovering." not wanting to lie in the slightest. She then looked behind them as Donna stepped out of the Tardis. "Right. Should have known. Didn't take you long to replace me, then." came her playful observation.

Misunderstood realization then dawned on him. "Now, don't start fighting. Martha, Donna. Donna, Martha. Please don't fight. Can't bear fighting."

Knowing the type of people they were dealing with, Echo rolled her eyes in amusement. "You wish." the red-head shot back before going to shake Martha's hand with a pleased smile of her own. "I've heard all about you. They talk about you all the time." happy to finally be meeting her.

"I dread to think." she replied, feeling pleased with the thought of them reminiscing over her.

Echo chuckled, "Oh, my splendiferous Martha Jones. We can only speak of you as the badass that you are." she reassured honestly. "I do, however, have one thing I need you to explain right this second." She then grabbed her left hand to pull into view. "Who's the lucky man or lady?" came the extremely excited inquiry. To which put the Doctor in a severely confused and surprised state.

Martha's smile increased in pure joy. "His name is Tom Milligan. He's in pediatrics working out in Africa right now." she explained eagerly.

"Oooooh, a doctor for the doctor. Only the best for my Martha. I'm so happy for you." Echo said in a sing-song tune at first. "If he ever mistreats you, even slightly, just know that I'm very willing to throw hands." she promised.

Before the accomplished woman could respond, they were then cut off by a voice speaking over her walkie-talkie. "Doctor Jones, report to base, please. Over."

Without hesitation, she responded. "This is Doctor Jones. Operation Blue Sky is a go, go, go. I repeat, this is a go." then turned and hurried away with the three travelers following close behind. A convoy of jeeps, trucks and a squad of the Parachute Regiment suddenly went pass them. They watched as they secured a nearby factory complex for something called 'ATMOS'. "Greyhound Six to Trap One. B Section, go, go, go. Search the ground floor. Grid pattern delta." she went on.

"What are you searching for?" the Doctor asked with growing curiosity and even confusion.

"Illegal aliens." Martha said quickly as she focused on the task at hand. "B Section mobilized. E Section, F Section, on my command." then ran off to join the troops under her control.

Donna frowned. "Is that what you did to her? Turned her into a soldier?"

Echo and her Doctor, too, couldn't help but frown. "We put in a good word for her, helped her to get her foot in the door, but... she chose her position and what she wanted to do with it." she replied evenly.

After they caught up with their friend, they walked through the industrial estate as all present were secured. "So, you're qualified now. You're a proper doctor." the Doctor commented, wanting more details.

It then became clear that they were headed straight for a pan Technicon truck, where their mobile HQ was located. "UNIT rushed it through, given my experience in the field. We've established a field base on site. They're dying to meet you two."

The Doctor couldn't help but feel very far from enthusiastic. "Wish I could say the same." he muttered mainly to himself.

"Same." Echo grumbled slightly, hating any form of government.

As they walked into the control room they found a large screen, computers and military people to man everything. "Operation Blue Sky complete, sir." Martha said as she approached the man in charge. "Thanks for letting me take the lead. And this is the Doctor and Echo. Guys, this is Colonel Mace."

"Sir. Ma'am." he greeted and gave them a salute.

Echo rolled her eyes as the Doctor grimaced. "Oh, don't salute."

He lowered his hand in confusion. "But it's an honor. I've read all the files on both of you. Technically speaking, you're still on staff, sir. You never resigned."

Both Donna and Echo gave him a 'really?' look. "What, you used to work for them?" the human woman asked incredulously.

He shrugged absentmindedly in return as he noted all the major and tiny differences he could. "Yeah, long time ago. Back in the '70s. Or was it the '80s? But it was all a bit more homespun back then."

"Times have changed, sir." Mace replied, not entirely sure on how to feel towards them. He felt honored, of course, but still a bit intimidated and slightly threatened by their authority.

 "You can stop with the whole 'sir' 'ma'am' thing. It's gonna get old fast." Echo advised as she went to look around with mild curiosity. 

"Come on, though." Martha said. "You've both seen it. You've been on board the Valiant. We've got massive funding from the United Nations, all in the name of Home World Security." she praised.

Mace nodded. "A modern UNIT for the modern world."

Donna then shamelessly scoffed in annoyance. "What, and that means arresting ordinary factory workers, in the streets, in broad daylight? It's more like Guantanamo Bay out there. Donna, by the way. Donna Noble, since you didn't ask. I'll have a salute." she informed strongly, refusing to be disrespected.

When the Colonel looked at the superior travelers, the Doctor looked at him in amused expectation and Echo crossed her arms and said, "Well? Hop to it." she ordered in complete agreement.

On command, he then snapped off a salute. "Thank you." Donna said with satisfaction.

"Now, getting back on track. What's up with that factory?" Echo asked curiously, then winked at Donna with pride over her assertive attitude.

Mace nodded. "Yesterday, fifty-two people died in identical circumstances, right across the world, in eleven different time zones. Five a.m. in the UK, six a.m. in France, eight a.m. in Moscow, one p.m. in China." he explained while showing a map of what he spoke of.

"You mean they died simultaneously." the Doctor said, wanting more details.

"Exactly. Fifty-two deaths at the exact same moment, worldwide." he confirmed.

Echo pursed her lips as her thoughts raced with potential causes and purposes. "How did they die? What was the cause of death?"

Martha then chose to answer. "They were all poisoned inside their cars. I checked the biopsies. No toxins. Whatever it is left the system immediately."

"Right, okay. What do their cars have in common, then?" she inquired further.

The intelligent former companion shrugged with a sigh. "Completely different makes and models. Though, they were all fitted with ATMOS, and that is the ATMOS factory." she elaborated, knowing just how perceptive and knowledgeable they both were.

The Doctor furrowed his eyebrows with confused interest. "What's ATMOS?"

It was then that Donna scoffed slightly. "Oh, come on. Even I know that. Everyone's got ATMOS."

Echo nodded once as the decision was made. "Alrighty, then. I say we snoop around the factory and see what we can find since we have access." she suggested. In compliance, they were all led out of HQ and into the factory itself.

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