Chapter 03: New Earth

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As they closed the door behind them, Cassandra ran to the only other door in the room. But as she opened it, she found that there were diseased people there as well. "We're trapped! What am I going to do?" she cried fearfully, thinking of herself first and foremost.

The Doctor glared at her as he saw the equipment in the room. "Well, for starters, you're going to leave that body. That psychograft is banned on every civilized planet. You're compressing Rose to death." he said just after the brunette woman noticed as well.

"But I've got nowhere to go. My original skin's dead." she glared at him, hating him more and more the longer she was stuck with him.

"Not my problem. You can float as atoms in the air. Now, get out. Give her back to me." he said, the warning clear in his words.

"You asked for it." she grumbled then took a deep breath and blew her energy out towards the Doctor.

Rose almost fell to the ground if the brunette woman didn't catch and steady her before she could. "Blimey, my head. Where'd she go?" she groaned out, looking around for the skin flap.

"Oh, my. This is different." they heard the Doctor say in a strangely feminine voice as he moved around a bit. 

They both looked at him with worry etched along their features. "Cassandra?" the brunette asked cautiously.

"Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum. So many parts. And hardly used." She then began moving in an odd manner. "Oh, oh, two hearts! Oh, baby, I'm beating out a samba!" she exclaimed with an amused grin.

"Get out of him." the brunette woman growled angrily.

"Oo, he's slim, and a little bit foxy." She then looked to Rose with a sly smirk. "You've thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You like it." she taunted with a sadistic grin as Rose's cheeks heated up with embarrassment. 

"Shut your pathetic mouth, you stupid bitch. Those are her thoughts, her secrets. So treed carefully." the brunette threatened with a deadly calm aura.

Suddenly, a group of diseased people burst into the room. All of them jumped at the sudden impending danger. "What do we do? What would he do? The Doctor, what the hell would he do?" Cassandra demanded of Rose, panic creeping up her borrowed spine.

Rose turned around in search of anything that might help and spotted their next best option. "Ladder! We've got to get up." she said and moved towards it. 

But Cassandra pushed them both out of the way so that she could get up first. "Out of my way!" then scrambled up the ladder.

The brunette made Rose go up next, then paused as she heard the diseased people begging for help. "I promise, I'll help you." she said, then quickly began climbing after Rose and Cassandra.  

As they climbed higher through the building, Rose began to feel the pressure of their situation. "If you get out of the Doctor's body, he can think of something." she said, knowing that only the Doctor could do something to fix everything. 

"Yap, yap, yap. God, it was tedious inside your head. Hormone city." Cassandra complained.

"We're going to die if--" Rose began, but was cut off by the unnamed brunette's exclamation of surprise.

"Get off me, bitch!" she yelled angrily when she saw that it was Matron Casp grabbing her ankle.

"All our good work. All that healing. The good name of the Sisterhood. You have destroyed everything." she said with hatred exuding from every word.

"Go and play with a ball of string." Cassandra said with a bored tone.

"I have destroyed a lot more for a lot less. You deserved it, swine." the brunette woman snarled then kicked at her hands.

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now