Chapter 56: Doomsday

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"What's down there? She was in that room with the Sphere. What's happened to Rose?" Jackie asked with clear desperation lacing her quiet words.

The Doctor looked at her with his most undivided attention. "I don't know. I'll find her. I brought you here, I'll get you both out; you and your daughter. I promise you. I give you my word." he vowed with every confident, honest fiber in his existence.

"You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender." the Cyberleader ordered.

Yvonne scoffed, "Oh, do some research. We haven't got a central world authority." she snarked, unaware of just how much danger the whole planet was now in.

"You have now. I will speak on all global wavelengths. This broadcast is for human kind." The Doctor then put on his 3D glasses as the Cybermen spoke to the planet. "Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and color and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us." Not long after did the majority of the populations began to panic and try with all their might to fight back. "I ordered surrender." it said as the violence became apparent and escalating.

"They're not taking instructions. Don't you understand? You're on every street. You're in their homes. You've got their children! Of course they're going to fight." the infuriated Time Lord spat with well deserved hatred.

The Cyberleader then checked one of their readings. "Scans detect unknown technology active within Sphere chamber." it announced. "Units ten six five and ten six six will investigate Sphere chamber."

"We obey." came the reply from the Cybermen in question.

Not long after they headed downward did the leader establish visual contact in connection with Yvonne's laptop. That was when their unexpected enemy came  into frame. "Identify yourselves." the Dalek commanded.

"Oh shit." Echo mumbled as the realization quickly settled in her mind. Of course they didn't just have to deal with the terminator wannabes. The party just wouldn't be complete without the overly cranky pepper pot drama queens as well.

"You will identify first." the Cyberman ordered. Perhaps if they did know of them, they could've fought back in a more effective way.

"State your identity." the Dalek commanded again.

"You will identify first."


"You will identify first."

"Daleks do not take orders."

"You have identified as Daleks."

Having recognized the name, Jackie looked at the silent travelers with fresh tears beginning to form. "Rose spoke about the Daleks. She was terrified of them. What have they done to her, Doctor? Is she dead?"

Instead of answering, he then quickly held his hand out. "Phone." In a single second, Echo's interdimensional phone was then in his awaiting hand to use without worry of immediate interruption. After typing in the correct number, he then pressed send. "She's answered. She's alive. Why haven't they killed her yet?" he informed, listening to the phone carefully.

"Well, don't complain." Jackie said, greatly relieved at her daughter still being alive and hopefully unharmed.

"They need her for something." Echo whispered, trying to piece together what she could.

"We must protect the Genesis Ark." they heard through the phone. 

The Doctor's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "The Genesis Ark?" he wondered, then looked at his lady for more information. But she shook her head with a shrug, indicating that she had nothing on what it meant. But seeing as it had the word 'genesis', it made her certain it was the start of something big.

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