Chapter 90: Evolution of the Daleks

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The lift doors finally opened to reveal Martha, Tallulah and Frank already on the top floor. "First floor, perfumery." the Doctor said jokingly.

"Doctor! Echo!" their happy companion exclaimed in pleasant surprise.

"I never thought I'd see you again." Tallulah said, overwhelmed with relief as she hurried over to her one and only love.

Pushing his negative signs of dying aside, Laszlo gratefully held her close. "No stopping me." he reassured, still trying to catch his breath and hide his distress.

Martha then quickly went to show them of their discovery. "We've worked it out. We know what they've done. There's Dalekanium on the mast and it's good to see you two, by the way."

Echo chuckled with enjoyment and pulled her into a group hug with her Doctor joing in; one he didn't mind being a part of. Though, seconds after, the lift doors shut as it began its descent down to the Dalek laboratory. They immediately parted as he scanned the controls with his sonic screwdriver. "No, no, no. Damn! Deadlock seal. I can't stop it." he grumbled, not entirely sure what their next move should responsibly be. To be fair, he did only have a half thought forming.

"Where's it going?" Martha asked with immense concern, not sure on how to help.

"Right down to the bottom. The Daleks won't leave us alone up here for too long." Echo answered bluntly, not caring if it scared any of them. From her perspective, a healthy dose of fear was good for the soul.

"What's the time?" the Doctor quickly asked of her, requiring an update.

She instantly checked her watch and nodded. "Eleven fifteen. We still got six minutes left."

He knew what he'd have to do; he just hoped it wasn't too late yet. "We've got to remove the Dalekanium before the gamma radiation hits."

Tallulah looked at them with great confusion. "Gammon radiation? What the heck is that?" she asked as though they were speaking gibberish. Not that they cared either way.

Without giving her an answer, they ran over to the open area of the room and looked out. "Oh, that's high. That's very high. Blimey, that's high." he couldn't help but say, truly dumbfounded at seeing the city at such an angle.

"And we've got to go even higher." Martha said, pointing up at the very top. "That's the mast up there, look. There's three pieces of Dalekanium on the base. We've got to get them off." With the information came a forceful wave of dread and even a bit of acrophobia through them all. Well, all but Echo. The sight mainly brought her back to her skydiving phase and roof top shenanigans with Sybil.

After they all looked up the wooden ladder leading up to the mast, he brought his gaze back to her. "That's not we, that's just me." he decided, knowing it was the best course of action.

Unable to retain her scoff, Martha immediately shook her head. "I won't just stand here and watch while you take all the risks." she denied in disbelief.

"No, you're going to have your hands full anyway. I'm sorry Martha, but you've got to fight." he said, knowing they could be counted on to succeed.

Echo smiled challengingly and held her blaster in view. "Not to worry, my love. They have me. We got this." He gave her a loving kiss, turned, and hurried up the scaffolding and ironwork to the mast. When she looked back to her friends, she gave them a confident nod. "I can do this. Stay out of the line of fire and away from those doors. Take cover together."

Just then, the lift showed that it was coming back up to their floor. "I should have brought that gun." Frank grumbled nervously, not liking the idea of letting the beautiful woman do all the work.

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