Chapter 13: The Girl in the Fireplace

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The panicking ballroom was visible on a large screen in the bulkhead. "I don't get it. How come they got in there?" Rose asked as the Doctor frantically worked on getting through.

"They teleported. You saw them. As long as the ship and the ballroom are linked, their short range teleports will do the trick." he explained quickly.

Rose could feel the immense pressure crushing her more and more with every passing second. "Well, we can just use the Tardis!" she quickly said.

But their favorite timelord immediately shook his head without pausing in the slightest, just before Echo could even open her mouth. "We can't use the Tardis. We're part of events now."

"Well, can't we just smash through?" Mickey asked, hoping they could take action as soon as possible. 

"Negatory, my good sir. Hyperplex on this side while there's plate glass on the other. We'd need a truck, or a tank, or a descent amount of C4." she rambled as she focused solely on her watch like device. "Welp guess it's up to me, then." 

But the Doctor knew exactly what she was planning to do; springing to his feet, he immediately moved closer to her. "No, you can't. Smash the glass, smash the time window. There'd be no way back." he spoke aggressively, desperately trying to keep her out of harms way the only way he knew how. He didn't want to leave her or not be able to save when need be. His affections for her could only grow. He didn't want that taken away from him. He didn't want to go through the loss of a loved one. Not again.

Without uttering a single word, she pulled him into a comforting hug. "I"ll be fine. I might be the only one who can get to Reinette fast enough." She then stepped back with a genuine smile. "I'll be safe. I promise." she hesitantly spoke, not used to showing any emotions such as those she was being overwhelmed with. A portal suddenly appeared behind her, allowing her to walk into it and disappeared without a trace.


"Could everyone just calm down? Please. Such a commotion. Such distressing noise." Reinette said with a tone of authority, trying to make sure no one gets hurt due to idiotic panic. "Kindly remember that this is Versailles. This is the Royal Court and we are French." She then bravely turned to the disguised droids. "I have made a decision. I shall not be going with you today. I have seen your world and I have no desire to set foot there again." she finalized, her great fear of anyone getting killed well hidden.

"We do not require your feet." Two female dressed androids then pushed Reinette to her knees in preparation of her execution. Her expression, however, held nothing but anger, confidence and defiance.

Just before she could begin her own tirade to buy for more time, they all heard a strange warping sound. Looking around in confusion, they unexpectedly saw an almost inhumanly beautiful woman walk into the room through a portal. With zero hesitation, she pulled her blaster into view and pointed it directly at those posing the most threat. "I will give you one, and only one chance. Leave now, or face the consequences." Echo stated with nothing but truth on her face. "Release her and return to your ship. Deactivate. You are no longer in need of use." she said as the lead droid tilted its head as if in deep thought. "You are no longer required." she firmly stated once more.

When they silently refused to listen to her warning, they moved closer to Reinette to proceed. "So be it." she growled, then began blasting energy volts; only able to harm the mechanical. Within just moments, all droids were on the floor and forcefully deactivated. As an added measure, she used her watch like device on her wrist to close every time window that had been opened. Once achieved, Echo then made her way over to the shaken Reinette; everyone else in the room staring at her in obvious fear and confusion.

Helping her to her feet, she couldn't stop the firm embrace Reinette attacked her with. "You are kind. You are wise. You are loved." the brunette dimension hopper said, gave her a grateful kiss, then stepped away. "I will never forget you, my beloved friend." she said in farewell.

Reinette nodded with tears in her eyes, her own loving grin plastered across her features. "And I you."

Then, without breaking eye contact, Echo activated a portal on the floor. Within seconds, she hopped in and was out of sight. Sadly, it was almost as if she had never been there to begin with. Though the memories will never fade.


Landing directly next to Mickey, she found herself looking at a strange scene. Rose was sitting next to and comforting an obviously devastated Doctor. "Job well done, I must say. That was even easier than getting out of Parplesnops during High Moon."

Upon hearing her beautiful voice, the Doctor's head popped up. Once he saw her indescribably entrancing being, he jumped to his feet and practically sprinted towards her. Before she had time to even react, she was pulled into a desperate hug. "Oh, Echo..." he whispered shakily.

She giggled in confusion and pulled away just enough to look him in his glazed eyes. "Sorry I scared you, babe. But I've done far worse for far less." He exhaled a shaky chuckle and pulled her closer to him once again.

Returning his embrace, she inhaled as much of his unfathomable scent as she was able and vice versa. For her, it had been such a long period without a single hug, she didn't quite know what to do. So long in fact, she could hardly remember what it felt like. Things are slow and steadily heading upward. "Don't you dare do something like that to me again." he pleaded more than demanded, not an ounce of anger to be found within him. When the time windows had closed, he practically drowned in a tsunami of worry and heartbreak just at the thought of losing her. Sure he's felt dealt with leaving people behind. But what he felt when he thought Echo would never see him again was such a crushing weight, he couldn't think of anything but how to get her back some how.

Echo's smile grew as a strange sense of euphoria set in. "No problem." she whispered back. For in that moment she knew she wouldn't and couldn't continue without him either. Whether they would just be the best of friends or something more was yet to be decided.

Even though she'd never admit it to anyone, especially to herself, that she couldn't stop herself from feeling forceful fondness that she felt as though she might burst. Her only worry that practically crippled her mind was the possibility of him not reciprocating her affections. What if he didn't...?

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