Chapter 98: 42

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As they hurried into the med-center, they found a man and woman trying to hold another struggling man down so as to put him into what looked like an MRI scanner; but in actuality was really a stasis chamber. "Argh! Stop it!" he'd yell desperately.

"Korwin, it's Abi. Open your eyes. I need to take a look at you." the woman in scrubs said with intense worry over his uncontrollable actions.

McDonnell's eyes widened in pure shock as she immediately hurried to his side. "Korwin! What's happened? Is he okay?"

"Help me! It's burning me!" the man screamed in agony.

"How long's he been like this?" the Doctor asked as he went to grab his screwdriver.

"Ashton just brought him in." Abi answered as she grappled with the struggling sir, her fright on full display.

"Don't get too close." he warned in return, knowing they didn't have time for a clever explanation.

"Don't be so stupid. That's my husband." she shot back emotionally, refusing to move an inch away from the man she saw as her one and only soulmate.

Ashton shook his head, "And he's just sabotaged our ship." he informed quickly.

The Captain gave him a thoroughly disbelieving expression and even outrage. "What?" she demanded, unaware of what was happening. To which only made her anxiety increase to exponential levels.

"He went mad. He put the ship into secure closure, then he set the heat pulse to melt the controls." the disturbed man explained further, his own worry for his friend spiking violently.

McDonnell immediately shook her head in denial, unable to understand. "No way. He wouldn't do that."

"I saw it happen, Captain."

"Korwin? Korwin, open your eyes for a second." the Doctor tried to gently coerce.

He aggressively shook his head. "I can't!"

"Of course, you can. Give it a go." Echo encouraged in a similar tone of calmness.

But Korwin denied them again. "Don't make me look at you! Please!" he begged.

Thinking quickly, the Time Lord picked up a hypo-gun from a nearby medical tray. "Alright, alright, relax. I'll just give you a sedative." he reassured, then injected him in the neck.

Once the tortured man was lying still, everyone relaxed from their tense positions. "What's wrong with him?" McDonnell asked of anyone who could answer.

"Rising body temperature, unusual energy readings." the Doctor mumbled in thought. "Stasis chamber. I do love a good stasis chamber. Keep him in there. Regulate the body temperature. And, just for fun, run a bio-scan and tissue profile on a metabolic detail." he then advised, wanting as much information as was possible.

Abi gave him an uncertain look. "Just doing them now."

He nodded, feeling slightly impressed. "Oh, you're good. Anyone else presenting these symptoms?"

She then shook her head. "Not so far."

"Oh, good. Silver linings and all that. Hopefully." Echo commented.

The Doctor frowned a bit. "It's some sort of infection. We'll know more after the test results. Now, allons-y, back downstairs." He then noticed her severely distracted state of being. "Hey. See about those engines. Go." Giving him a hesitant expression and a meaningful look at her husband, McDonnell was led out of the room by Ashton.

"Call if there's anything new. Questions?" Echo asked as they paused in the doorway.

"Yeah. Who are you?"

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now