Chapter 30: Becoming One

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"You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end."
– Bob Marley


*Smutt Warning*

In that moment, Echo understood for the first time just how completely they belonged together. All those years, decades, centuries even. All that time before they had met. She knew for the first time and for the millionth time, this was where she was meant to be. They were simply traveling, preparing themselves for the inevitable moment of their amalgamation.

Deepening their all to consuming kiss, she had him sit on the jump seat so she could immediately straddle him once again. His firm hands held her in place, though also felt her tempting curves with sensually gentle movements. As they moved in loving tandem, the Doctor found it incredibly difficult to keep his train of thought from derailing every few seconds. Something he enjoyed very much. When she entangled her fingers in his indescribably soft hair, he couldn't hold back the quiet, wordless, choiceless sounds of desire that came from him. Such a reaction elicited her own sounds of enjoyment to come forth; both of their hearts picking up their pace as their lust quickly bloomed within them.

As he slowly migrated to her sensitive neck with soft kisses, she then pulled out her portal gun and put it in his hand. He looked at her with an intense flame of desire burning within his enchanting eyes. "Let's go to your room." she muttered softly, her hand tracing his jaw.

He looked at the device with a smile and allowed her to show him how to input the destination coordinates, then allowed him to shoot a portal beside them. Just being able to use her invention was a great honor to him. "Make me yours." Echo breathed eagerly, ready to enjoy him to the highest extent.

Before she could move even a single inch from him, he tightened his grip on her, got to his feet and walked through the portal as he kissed her with just as much fire. In seconds, she found herself laying on his jade green bed with her one and only love hovering over her as he continued to kiss her anywhere he could.

He didn't want to push her into doing anything she didn't want to do. So when she would set free a gentle moan in response to his action and how she kept her legs wrapped around his waist, he knew how willing she had become. They were both enthralled with their worship over one another, their fascination never fading.

All he could think of was how her lips were softer than anything he'd ever known. Soft like a layer of undisturbed snow fall. Soft like biting into cotton candy. For her, she practically felt as though they were melting, mixing, floating, and even felt the strange weightless buoyancy that came with being in water. The irreversible unification they had unknowingly achieved only cemented the fact that both the Doctor and Echo would never be able to correctly exist if anything were to happen to the other. The way they sensually and lovingly enjoyed their slowly progressing actions, she could barely keep herself from smiling with intense adoration and loving trust. It was sweet. So effortlessly sweet.

When Echo slipped her 50's style dress off, she once again felt nervous, shy, vulnerable. "You are so beautiful." he muttered as an onslaught of emotions raged through him in the most consuming of ways. The sight of her in just her bra and underwear was nothing less that mind numbingly magnificent. Love, adoration, need, desire, euphoric peace and even belonging. They both felt all these and so much more; becoming severely inarticulate with words. Therefore, they allowed their bodily actions to do the talking instead.

Her Doctor attacked her neck once again with soft kisses, to which resulted in different shades of love marks; as well as bruise causing love bites that only intensified her arousal. He cherished every inch of her, seeing her as nothing less than a goddess gracing him with her intoxicating presence. Every movement and action was thought out, seeing as he wanted their first time making love to be remembered fondly for the rest of their lives; to have this moment be just the threshold for life times upon life times of consolidation over their love.

The moans she released as he massaged her intensely sensitive nether regions were nothing but delectable. "I need you. Nothing but you." she said as he skillfully teased her to the brink of madness. Hearing and seeing her in such a state that he proudly caused, the Doctor felt his strong desire to please her every need only intensify.

Giving her another deep and passionate kiss, the focused Time Lord carefully reached down and coated himself in her wetness. Holding her close and looking at nothing but her, the enchanting eyes of his one and only love in existence holding him in her trance, he carefully and slowly pushed himself in as he tried his best to give her the best experience he possibly could. Watching her for any sign of discomfort, he couldn't help but find her reaction all the more alluring. Especially due to the uncontrollable moans and groans caused by the all too consuming sensations she was being subjected to. Seeing her want for him overwhelm her, he felt enthralled.

Nuzzling into her hickey adorned neck, her Doctor peppered her with kisses and praises as he then began moving steadily. "You are a goddess. My love. My soul. My one and only." he breathed into her neck and hair. Such sounds coming from him could only make Echo's want intensify without control. "I love you. Only you..." he lustfully promised without a grain of regret; yet also feeling as though their very souls were truly intermingling. Sort of like a rainbow being caused by light traveling through water in the air.

She wrapped her arms around him so she could have as much of him touching her as was possible. "I'm yours. Beyond existence itself... I will always be yours." she vowed with every honest fiber of her being, desperation clear in her words. For he had quickly become her highly addictive drug. One touch and the intoxication was instant. Just his scent was enough to send her into a pleasure induced stupor. One that doesn't end until their bodies were touching once more; just warm and snuggled in as close as two souls could be.

Not two but one, till life be gone.

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