Chapter 53: Army of Ghosts

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Both the Doctor and Echo ran around the console with excitement almost visibly radiating from them. "I like that. Allons-y. I should say Allons-y more often. Allons-y. Watch out, Rose Tyler. Allons-y. And then, it would be really brilliant if I met someone called Alonso. Then I could say, 'Allons-y, Alonso.' Every time!" he rambled rapidly, making his lover laugh with great amusement. He then stopped as he noticed the look Rose was giving him. "You're staring at me."

"My mum's still on board." she informed. That was when Echo's laughter increased at the horror-struck expression that over took his features.

"If we end up on Mars, I'm going to kill you." Jackie said with nothing but promise.

Echo walked over to settle beside her for a moment. "Don't you worry that gorgeous head of yours, Jackie. Anyone or anything that threatens you will end up in the blender dimension." she vowed with a reassuring grin.

Once they had landed, they saw on the scanner their being surrounded by armed troops. "Oh well, there goes the advantage of surprise. Still, cuts to the chase." The Doctor then took Echo by the hand and walked towards the doors. "Stay here, look after Jackie." he told Rose briefly.

Rose's brows furrowed, her urge to stay with them and not be left behind became more apparent. "I'm not looking after my mum." she quickly argued.

"Well, you brought her." he shot back with a care-free gleam to his alluring eyes.

"I was kidnapped!" Jackie clarified without hesitation.

"Doctor, they've got guns." she said, still thinking about them being separated.

Echo then held her blaster and portal gun in plain view. "You don't have anything to worry about, Rosie. I got us covered." then put both devices away so the humans wouldn't immediately see her as a threat.

Stepping out to meet the armed soldiers, she remained unaffected by the so called "danger". Echo gave them a bored look and folded her arms. "Shoot if you want. It won't end well for you." she warned casually.

Just then did a blonde woman walking quickly into the room and went straight to them. "Oh! Superb. Happy day." When she began clapping for some odd reason, the soldiers joined in.

Echo gave them a sharp glare, already seeing reasons to hate the humans standing before them. "Er, thanks? Nice to meet you. I'm the Doctor and this is my Echo." the Time Lord introduced, taken completely aback by the strange greeting. "You've--... You've heard of us, then?"

The woman beamed confidently. "Well, of course we have. And I should say, if it wasn't for you two, none of us would be here. The Doctor, his celestial confidant and the Tardis." They all then erupted with applause once again.

Echo's glare darkened at the praise. "Keep clapping and see what happens." she threatened.

Her Doctor gave the blonde woman leader a cautiously curious stare. "And you are?" he asked, not liking the way they knew him but he didn't know them.

She waved the question away without care. "Oh, plenty of time for that. Though, according to the records, you're not one for traveling by yourselves. The Doctor, his Echo and their human companion. That's the pattern, yes? There's no point in hiding anything. Not from us. So, where is she?"

The increasingly hateful brunette then put her hand on her holstered blaster out of pure, fed up boredom. She never did do well with being ordered around in any capacity. Sensing her nearing explosion, her Time Lord quickly took control to avoid any possible fights and/or deaths. "Of course. She's just a bit shy." He then reached into the Tardis without looking in. "Here she is. Rose Tyler." When Jackie was the one to step out instead, he struggled to remain composed. "She's not the best I've ever had. Bit too blonde. Not too steady on her pins. A lot of yakkety-yak. And just last week, she stared into the heart of the Time Vortex and aged fifty-seven years. But she'll do." he rambled, making Echo involuntarily smile with amusement.

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