Chapter 29: The Idiot's Lantern

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"Courage is not living without fear. Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway."
-- Chae Richardson (The World of Atticus Finch)


"Come on, Echo. Wake up. You have to wake up. Echo, come on.  Wake up, baby, wake up." As reality sluggishly connected with her mind once again, she had a hard time registering if someone was speaking to her, or if her mental voices were back at it again. She could feel her body as though it were made of stone. It was heavy and immovable. Then suddenly, she felt a warm tingling spreading throughout the back of her skull. She could feel her severe wounds knit themselves closed and heal in the same moment. Her body grew lighter, regaining her strength. When she was able to lift her weighed down eyelids, her vision was filled with golden light surrounding the Doctor's worried face. "Echo, say something..." His voice became clearer as she was slowly able to hear his words. She could feel his hands on the sides of her head, but she focused mainly on his eyes. Those enchanting eyes she had fallen so helplessly in love with.

When she was able to lift her hand, she immediately traced it up his arm and caressed his face with a smile forming. Such an action eased him a bit, but his rage with what Magpie had done began to leak back into his thoughts. If he hadn't found her, she would without a doubt have died. Seeing as the back of her skull had been practically crushed from the blow to her head. "Come along, my love. We have to get Magpie." she softly said, then slowly sat up with his help.

He wanted to deal with Magpie immediately, but his worry for Echo took precedent. "Are you okay? Do you still feel pain anywhere?" he asked seriously, ready to heal her again if need be. 

She shook her head with a grateful twinkle to her eyes. "I have a nano-fiber defense mesh laced in my epidermis. Though, how it worked so fast, I don't know." she said casually, then was helped to her feet.

"I healed you with my regeneration energy. Well, partially." he admitted easily, to which made her look at him with shock.

"I-- Uhm... We'll talk about this later." Echo then woke Tommy up beside the faceless police officer. With only a glance, she knew the Wire had attacked so as to give Magpie a chance to escape. It was the only theory she thought accurate.

Agreeing with her decision, he frantically looked around for any clue to help them further. "Tommy, wake up." Echo softly said, helping him to regain awareness.

"What happened...?" the young boy asked in confusion.

"Magpie's gone. But where could he have gone?" the Doctor said distractedly, trying to figure out their problem as quickly as possible.

Echo then remembered a bit more of what had happened before her potential death scare. "He was quite eager for as many people as possible have televisions. Perhaps they're doing something to them." she thought aloud.

Her beloved Time Lord nodded in thought, then went outside to try and piece it together. "But we don't even know where to start looking. It's too late." Tommy said, unsure on how to handle their tense mission.

"It's never too late, a wise person once said. Kylie, I think." the Doctor answered as his eyes looked for anything that could help. "The Wire's got big plans."

Just then, Echo then felt an idea form around all that she knew. "It's going to use the T.V.s to suck away all those watching the coronation."

"Of course it is. It's going to harvest half the population. Millions and millions of people and-- Where are we?"

"Muswell Hill." Tommy said, wanting nothing more than to help where he could. But seeing their undisputable intellect, he felt useless.

"Of course! Muswell Hill!" the beautiful dimension hopper said with realization and ran back inside to gather what they'd need.

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