Chapter 125: The Last of the Time Lords

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"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."
-- Leo Tolstoy


"Citizens rejoice." the Master announced as he pulled Echo along into the flight deck. "Your lord and master stands on high, playing track three." He then began dancing enthusiastically to the song 'I Can't Decide' by Scissor Sisters. As he enjoyed his playful antics, the angry brunette prisoner fantasized murder on the cruelest degree. She knew for certain that something had changed, seeing as she'd been forced into a black dress that accentuated her alluring curves. The only thing she was grateful for was that high heels were nowhere to be found; to which left her barefoot, not that she minded anyway.

After she had been locked to the floor in her corner, the Master went to look out the window with the silent Doctor at his side. "It's ready to rise, Doctor. The new Time Lord empire." he spoke proudly. "It's good, isn't it? Isn't it good?" His features fell into boredom as he received no response. "Anything? No? Nothing? Oh, but they broke your hearts, didn't they? Those Toclafane. Broken ever since you worked out what they really are." He then shifted to what he originally wanted to discuss. "They say Martha Jones has come back home. Now, why would she do that?" he probed.

Only then did the Doctor look him directly in the eyes. "Leave her alone." he practically growled, refusing to simply allow her to be taken out at the hands of the deranged Time Lord.

The Master, however, couldn't care less. "But you said something to her, didn't you? On the day I took control and the lovely Echo became mine. What did you tell her?"

Rage filled him in the blink of an eye. "I have one thing to say to you. You know what it is."

"Oh, no, you don't!" the Master immediately interrupted and pushed his wheelchair away from himself and the window.

"Valiant now entering Zone One airspace. Citizens rejoice." a Tannoy announced with robotic indifference.

"Come on, people! What are we doing? Launch Day in twenty-four hours." the Master urged, getting everyone in gear. Without being noticed, the Doctor looked at his chained and bruised lover. In the same moment, Echo nodded once and blinked only three times. As Francine walked passed him, he held three fingers against his thigh. Once all dominoes of their choices were in place, they all hoped for success to come to fruition without failure or interruption.

Later that same day, the Master brought Echo back into the flight deck and locked her to her corner. "Time for my massage. Who shall I have today?" he mused as he removed his jacket. "Tanya. Come on, sweetheart. Lucy, have you met Tanya? She's gorgeous." When the woman in question walked over to him silently, he sat down and began enjoying the feeling of her hands. "Tanya, when we go to the stars, I'm going to take you to the Catriga Nova. Whirlpools of gold." He then smirked with only a brief glance to his 'wife'. "You two should get to know each other. That might be fun."

Almost the same instant as the time reading three o'clock, an alarm sounded around them. "Condition red. Repeat, condition red." a tannoy announced in warning.

The Master was immediately on his feet and ran to his controls to figure out what was happening. Moving quickly, Francine grabbed his jacket from the table and threw it to Tish. The young woman then gave it to the Doctor, to whom retrieved the laser screwdriver from the inner pocket and pointed it directly at the sadistic Time Lord. "I told you. I have one thing to say."

When it became apparent that he couldn't get the screwdriver to work, the Master chuckled with great amusement. "Isomorphic controls." After casually taking his weapon, he then proceeded to punch him in the face. Echo was on her feet in an instant and pulling on her chain as he hit the floor. "Which means they only work for me. Like this." He then shot a laser beam that only just missed Francine, causing her to jump away from it in all too consuming fear. "Say sorry!" he commanded.

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