Chapter 57: Doomsday

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"She's dead! Oh, my God! She's dead!" Jackie sobbed with heavy breathing as they paused for a moment on the stairwell.

Echo immediately pulled her into a comforting embrace while they had the chance. "I know, Jackie. Trust me, I know." She then pulled away to look her in the eyes and proceeded to wipe the blonde's tears away, needing her to retain as much information as she was capable. "I need you to be brave now. We'll have to be courageous and maybe even a little mad."

She shook her head, unable to think clearly just yet. "I can't. I'm too scared." she said with defeated sorrow.

The understanding brunette gave her a reassuring smile as she began to slowly calm down, fraction by fraction. "Bravery is not the absence of fear. It's feeling all of it that makes you brave. The fear, the doubt, the insecurity; then deciding that something else is more important." She then grabbed her hand and continued on their way. Just then did Jackie's phone begin to ring. When she pulled it out of her pocket, Echo instantly recognized her own number. "Answer it. It's the Doctor."

"Oh, my God, help us." she quickly said the moment she pressed accept.

"No need to worry, my love. We're both absolutely fine and will remain that way. We're at the north corner, staircase three. You can try meeting up with us on the way." Echo informed over the phone as well. 

Only moments later did the call end. "He's left us!" she exclaimed in disbelief. 

"Don't panic, Jacks. He's just busy at the moment. Plus, you're with me. I'll get us back to where we need to be." Jackie took a deep breath and nodded, ready to be as brave as she could manage.


Back in the Sphere laboratory, the only two humans left were watching with concerned curiosity as the four Daleks worked on the Genesis Ark. "Final stage of awakening." one of them informed.

The black Dalek then approached Rose and Mickey. "Your handprint will open the Ark."

Rose crossed her arms over her chest. "Well tough, because I'm not doing it." she denied without hesitation. Anything a Dalek would want was always something to prevent.

"Obey or the male will die." it commanded, ready to kill anything and everything in order to succeed.

Knowing she didn't really have a choice, Rose then took a step forward. "Don't." Mickey said, holding her back with a hand on her shoulder. He refused to have her obey such ruthless creatures.

But, instead of listening, she removed his hand with a meaningful look. "Place your hand upon the casket." the Dalek then ordered.

She glared at it. "Fine. You're going to kill us anyway, so what the hell? If you escaped the Time War, don't you want to know what happened?"

"Place your hand--"

"What happened to the Emperor?" she then added smugly. Their opportunity had arrived and Rose knew exactly what she wanted to do with it. 

"The Emperor survived?" it asked incredulously after a long pause of shocked silence.

"Till he met me." Rose replied, trying hard to channel her inner Echo. "If these are going to be my last words, then you're going to listen. I met the Emperor, and I took the Time Vortex and I poured it into his head and turned him into dust." She then smirked, "Do you get that? The God of all Daleks, and I destroyed him. Ha!"

"You will be exterminated!"

"Oh now, hold on, wait a minute." they suddenly heard the Doctor say as he casually walked in, 3D spectacles in place.

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