Chapter 41: The Satan Pit

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"Danny, give me the computer chip!" Echo exclaimed as they closed the floor grating.

Without hesitation, he gave it to her and proceeded to lead them to Ood Habitation. "Hurry it up!" they heard Zach yell over the intercom. Their time was most definitely and rapidly running out.

Just as they got into the correct room, everyone went to the computer and Echo proceeded to transmit the signal. Her fingers flew over the keyboard with expert precision. When the Ood finally broke through the control room door and had entered Ood Habitation, their plan finally came to fruition. "And... Done!" Echo declared. The readings immediately fell from basic one hundred to basic zero. All Ood grabbed their heads and writhed in immense agony before finally collapsing.

Echo exhaled with heavy relief as Rose pulled her into an excitement caused embrace. Danny smiled at Toby and the girls with a choice less smile. "Zach, we did it. The Ood are down. Now we've got to get Ida and the Doctor." he said over the comms.

"I'm on my way." their captain replied as he hastily made his way towards them. Just as quickly, the others then headed back over to the room they needed to save their comrades from.


Practically sprinting to the computer, Rose spoke with hopeful fear as Echo worked the controls. "Doctor, are you there? Ida, can you hear me?" the brunette asked, desperate to hear their voices.

When there was no response, Zach joined them. "The comms are down. I can patch them through he central desk and boost the signal. Just give me a minute."

Struggling to remain patient and quiet, Echo tapped the guard rail with randomized frequencies as she allowed Rose to take the lead. It only took forty-seven seconds before their chance was given. "Doctor? Are you there? Doctor, Ida, can you hear me?" Rose asked again the moment she could.

"He's gone..." came Ida's unexpected, emotional reply.

Echo's head immediately snapped over to look at the computer in immediate outrage. Without hesitation did she snatch the intercom out of the blonde's hand. "What the hell do you mean he's gone?" she growled dangerously. Something that caused Rose great alarm, knowing what she was limitlessly capable of. Though, she had no idea just how far her best friend was actually willing to go.

"He fell into the pit. We don't know how deep it is. Miles and miles and miles, probably." Ida spoke again, her voice wavering from the horrible reality.

"But what do you mean by, he fell?" she pressed with vengeance on her mind. She didn't blame Ida. She didn't blame the Doctor. All she wanted was for the Beast to suffer more than she ever has. She was so overwhelmed, she didn't even notice when her tears trickled down her face.

Ida took a deep breath to steady herself the best she could. "I couldn't stop him. But he said your name, Echo. He said he'd see you later." she informed as her own tears broke free. It wasn't just his life she felt mournful for.

Knowing the conversation had ended, Zach then took the microphone into his own hand. "I'm sorry. There's no way of reaching you. No cable, no back up. You're ten miles down. We can't get there." he said, his grief showing shamelessly.

Ida nodded as she sat on the edge of the opened seal. "You should see this place, Zach. It's beautiful. I always wanted to discover things, and here I am." she said with emotional ambivalence.

"We've got to abandon the base." he continued, wanting her to know exactly what was to happen. "I'm declaring this mission unsafe. All we can do is make sure no one ever comes here again." As he spoke, Zach could feel his heart clench for the scientist that deserved to live.

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