Chapter 142: Planet of the Ood

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In the presentation area for investors, there were Ood stood all around on small platforms whilst others were walking around the room with trays of drinks. Solana, meanwhile, stood on a podium of her own at the head of the room. "As you can see, the Ood are happy to serve, and we keep them in facilities of the highest standard. Here at the Double O, that's Ood Operations, we like to think of the Ood as our trusted friends. We keep the Ood healthy, safe and educated. We don't just breed the Ood. We make them better. Because at heart, what is an Ood, but a reflection of us? If your Ood is happy, then you'll be happy, too." she recited with an emotionless smile. Echo sighed heavily out of boredom as she watched everyone, including the Ood. "I'd now like to point out a new innovation from Ood Operations. We've introduced a variety package with the Ood translator ball." She then stepped down and walked up to three Ood standing in the middle of the room. "You can now have the standard setting. How are you today, Ood?"

"I'm perfectly well, thank you." said the Ood politely and in their standard voice.

Solana then moved onto the next servant on display. "Or perhaps after a stressful day, a little something for the gentlemen. And how are you, Ood?"

"All the better for seeing you." came an infuriatingly husky female voice.

The brunette woman chuckled. "And the comedy classic option. Ood, you dropped something."

In a Homer Simpson voice, Echo rolled her eyes with a cringe filled scoffed as the Ood said, "D'oh!"

Solana chuckled again. "All that for only five additional credits. The details are in your brochures. Now, there's plenty more food and drink, so don't hold back." And with that, she left to take care of other duties.

After she had gone, both the Doctor and his Echo went over to her lectern and used its computer access to light up the big screen. With their immense knowledge, an image of their location was shown. "Ah, got it. The Ood Sphere. I've been to this solar system before. Years ago. Ages."

"Mmm. I've been here, too. Hella long ago. I destroyed a ruler's reign 'cause he pissed me off. It was pretty close to the planet Sense Sphere, but closer to the planet Trieste. He tried to force me to marry him. So I destroyed his descendants' their chance at any potential power or glory."

Donna raised her brows in surprise at the claim. "Well, then. I'd hate to make you cross." she joked. "What year is it?"

"Let's widen out." the Doctor said as he worked the controls. "This is the year 4126. The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire."

This information shocked their red-headed friend even more. "4126? It's 4126? I'm in 4126." then quickly looked at them. "What's the Earth like now?"

He shrugged. "Bit full. But you see, the Empire stretched out across three galaxies." He then showed them the galaxies on the screen easily.

"It's weird. I mean, it's brilliant, but--... Back home, the papers and the telly, they keep saying we haven't got long to live. Global warming, flooding, all the bees disappearing." Donna said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. That thing about the bees is odd." he agreed absentmindedly as Echo nodded in agreement.

"But look at us." she went on. "We're everywhere. Is that good or bad, though? I mean, are we like explorers? Or more like a virus?"

Echo chuckled, "Why not both?"

"What are all the little red dots?" she then asked.

"Ood distribution centers."

This didn't sit well with the human woman. "Across three galaxies? Don't the Ood get a say in this?" Donna then walked over to one of the standing-on-display Ood. "Er, sorry, but-- uhm... Hello. Tell me, are you all like this?"

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