Chapter 70: Martha's Recruitment

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After figuring out where Martha would be from the little they knew, the impossible couple finally found her at the Market Tavern with her family. Not long after they settled in did the family spill out into the street. "I am not staying in there to be insulted!" a blonde woman with an obviously fake tan yelled as she stormed out of the restaurant.

Echo snorted with amusement as the rest of the family followed. "She didn't mean it, sweetheart. She was just saying you look healthy." a man quickly said with worry in his eyes.

"No, I did not. I said orange." a woman that was obviously Martha's mother shot back without delay.

The blonde instantly looked at the man. "Clive, that woman is disrespecting me. She's never liked me." she complained childishly.

"Oh, I can't think why, after you stole my husband." the woman accused.

"I was seduced. I'm entirely innocent. Tell her, babe."

Echo snorted with amusement and shook her head, "I'm so glad I'm not human anymore. So embarrassing." He snorted and nudged her to be nice.

Martha's mother then continued. "And then she has a go at Martha, practically accusing her of making the whole thing up."

"Mum, I don't mind. Just leave it." Martha, herself, then said. She always hated being associated with fights. Especially in public.

"Oh. 'I've been to the moon!' As if. They were drugged. It said so on the news." the blonde went on snootily. Such a comment made both travelers roll their eyes as they watched the scene unfold.

"Since when did you watch the news? You can't handle Quiz Mania!"

"Oh! I'm never talking to your family again!" the blonde shouted with a pout and walked off down the street angrily to go and have a cry.

"Don't you dare! I'm putting my foot down! This is me, putting my foot down!" Clive yelled, then followed after his ditzy girlfriend. When the entire family ultimately fanned out and left, Martha was left standing by herself. Once she spotted the two travelers standing peacefully across the way, Echo beckoned her forward with a finger as they backed away further down the alley to stand by the Tardis.

Martha then stood in front of them with a happy grin. "I went to the moon today."

"A bit more peaceful than down here." the Doctor agreed with a knowing smirk.

Stepping closer, Martha became desperate for more information. "Neither of you ever even told me who you are."

"I'm Echo."

"The Doctor."

But this was nothing close to what she wanted. "But what sort of species? It's not every day I get to ask that."

"He's a Time Lord. I don't really know about me. I'm just kinda here." Echo answered with a shrug.

"Right! Not pompous at all, then." Martha said playfully.

"I just thought since you saved our lives and I've got a brand new sonic screwdriver which needs road testing, you might fancy a trip." the Doctor then said, trying to entice her properly.

"What, into space?" Martha was more than eager to go with them to see the wonders the universe had to offer. But she still had responsibilities on Earth. "I can't. I've got exams. I've got things to do. I have to go into town first thing and pay the rent, I've got my family going mad."

"If it helps, we can travel in time as well." he then said, his grin only being half concealed.

"Get out of here." Martha said with genuine disbelief.

"We can." Echo said with great enjoyment. She knew at that moment how Martha could actually be an incredible friend if given the chance.

Martha still didn't believe them, however. "Come on now, that's going too far."

"I'll prove it." The Doctor then went into the Tardis and dematerialized only seconds later. Echo watched with a large, happy smile as Martha went to reach into the space where the Tardis had disappeared from, then went back to the brunette's side with wide eyes.

"This can't be real." she muttered mainly to herself.

Only seconds later did the Tardis return with the Doctor walking out with his tie in hand. "Told you." he practically sang with a massive grin.

Echo immediately went to his side to tie the garment around his neck the way she liked. "No, but, that was this morning." Martha denied, her smile staying in its place. "Did you–? Oh, my God. You can travel in time! But hold on. If you could see me this morning, why didn't you tell me not to go to work?"

"Because then we'd have never met you, creating a paradox." Echo said, knowing she'd understand if she really tried.

"That, and crossing into established events is strictly forbidden. Except for cheap tricks and winning bets." the Doctor then added, earning a nod of agreement from his girl.

Martha then approached the Tardis with overwhelming curiosity, touching the blue wood gently. "And this is your spaceship?"

He nodded, "It's called the Tardis. Time and Relative Dimension in Space."

"Your spaceship's made of wood. And there's not much room. We'd be a bit intimate."

Echo shook her head. "I assure you, it won't be." she promised with a subtle warning to her words. "Try taking a look."

Upon entering, Martha felt as though she was no longer awake. She just couldn't believe what she was seeing as real. "No, no, no." She then went back outside to inspect how small it seemed. "But it's just a box. But it's huge! How does it do that? It's wood. It's like a box with that room just rammed in. It's bigger on the inside."

Echo rolled her eyes as the Doctor mouthed along. "Is it? I hadn't noticed." He then closed the door behind them and went to the console beside his love. "Right then, let's get going."

"But is there a crew, like a navigator and stuff? Where is everyone?" Martha wondered, seeing the hundreds of controls and thought it impossible for just the two of them to do everything on their own.

"Nope. Just us." the Time Lord briefly answered as he kept his attention on getting the Tardis ready to leave.

"Just you two? All on your own?"

The lovers shared a look that lasted only a few seconds. "Well, sometimes we have guests. I mean, some friends, traveling alongside. We had– There was recently, a friend of ours. Rose, her name was. Rose. And we were together. Anyway." He then walked away to press a few controls on the other side near the scanner.

Martha sensed the change in mood, "Where is she now?"

"With her family. Happy. She's fine. She's– Not that you're replacing her." As he spoke of her, the Doctor felt defensive from missing his friend. The fact that he had Echo most definitely made everything easier to deal with. He was grateful to have someone help carry the burden of his own emotional pain and vice versa. "Just one trip to say thanks. You get one trip, then back home. I'd rather us be on our own."

Martha nodded in understanding, "That's alright. I'm sure we can have fun with the time we've got." she reassured. She suddenly realized that this Rose woman had left them under unwilling circumstances. She didn't want to push her way into a place she wasn't wanted, but she also wouldn't pass up this once in a millennium chance to see what most humans never would.

"Good. Well, then. Close down the gravitic anomaliser, fire up the helmic regulator. And finally, the hand brake. Ready?"

Martha shook her head with a massive smile, "No."

"Perfect! Off we go!" Echo exclaimed and activated the sequence with a big jolt, causing them to hang onto the console the best they could.

"Blimey, it's a bit bumpy!" Martha said with immense happiness; excitement fueling her overwhelming joy.

The Doctor's smile was just as large. "Welcome aboard, Miss Jones."

"It's my pleasure, Mister Smith." They then shook hands as Echo took over.

And so the adventures begin.

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